[Abstract]:The state audit is to supervise the power organization to control the public resources from the angle of the public, and give the system arrangement in the law to guarantee its legitimacy and authority. The history of modern audit development shows that in modern economy, audit plays a more and more important role, and gradually becomes an important symbol of democratic political civilization, and is an important system setup. The state audit should focus on the idea of public supremacy and perform the audit duty of public power supervision. How to fulfill the responsibility of state audit is related to the implementation and perfection of the state audit system and the development of national democratic politics. The concept of state audit responsibility is abstract and concrete, and it solves the problem of who is responsible for the state audit. The basic issues of how to be responsible, and the basic issues behind them cover the important contents of the national audit system, the content of the state audit, the norms of the state audit, and so on. Therefore, the responsibility of the state audit determines the trend of the development of the state audit. To understand the responsibility of state audit scientifically, to study the influence of political, economic and social factors on the responsibility of state audit, and to probe into the law of the development of state audit responsibility are, in fact, the orientation, work content and organization system of state audit. Understanding of concepts and practices such as work specifications. State auditing is one of the basic political systems of a country. From this point of view, when studying the responsibility of state auditing, we must put it into a platform, which is the political environment of public power. From the political point of view of public power, the state audit responsibility is studied, and the law of the development of the state audit duty is obtained, which can ensure that the national audit duty can adapt to the operation of public power and promote the process of political democracy. This paper will focus on the understanding of public power and supervision and restriction of public power, and study the role of state audit in the supervision mechanism of public power and the content of the responsibility of state audit. In this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the responsibility of state audit in order to define the responsibility of state audit more scientifically and to promote the modernization of state audit in China through the analysis of the problems and reasons existing in the present state audit duty of our country.
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