[Abstract]:As a national infrastructure project, high-speed rail project provides transportation guarantee for economic development and social life, and bears important social responsibility. As a means of external supervision, national audit, together with the internal risk management system, constitutes the management and control system of high-speed railway construction enterprises. These two purposes are the same, but in real life often because of different positions and independent of each other. After many years of practical work, the author thinks that if we can design the enterprise risk management system, we can bring the focus of national audit into the system. Transforming the pressure of enterprises to internal risk management can not only enable auditors to obtain more reliable resources in the process of national audit, but also reduce the audit workload. And can enable enterprises to learn and grasp the focus of national audit to improve their own management and control system and take care of the state audit, this is the origin of this article. This paper first introduces and analyzes the relevant theories, at the same time introduces the research ideas and basic framework, research methods, possible innovations and shortcomings. Then it introduces the risk categories which need to be controlled in the current high-speed rail project, and selects the risk in the risk control system from the three angles of impact degree, impact scope and controllability. And the country audit of high-speed rail project focus on the key risks are combed and analyzed. Then, this paper discusses and explains the necessity of the integration of audit response and risk management framework, the difficulties in audit response and the rationality of the connection between the two. Thus, the internal logic of the integration of the two is demonstrated, and the basis of the integration of the risk management framework and the national audit response is formed. On the basis of the above theory and logic, this paper puts forward a way to institutionalize and standardize audit risk. Through the selection of control ideas, the design of management and control indicators and the determination of control principles, the application flow based on the integration of enterprise system management and information requirements is established with risk tolerance and prohibition as the core. Finally, based on the reality of risk management and audit response in the current high-speed rail project, based on many years' work experience, this paper selects some risks as an example, and adopts the steps and methods proposed in the above process. The basic frame of the fusion of the two is determined. In addition, the author also adds the audit risk items not involved in the example for a long time, and puts forward some suggestions.
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