[Abstract]:Audit according to law is the basic requirement of audit work and the fundamental guarantee of giving full play to audit function. However, from the point of view of audit practice, the implementation of audit according to law is not ideal, and the ability of audit according to law needs to be further improved. Based on the investigation of the audit practice of our country's national audit institutions, this paper discusses a series of problems on the implementation of audit according to law, and analyzes it from the perspective of new institutional economics and public management. It is clear that the state audit can maintain the financial order, improve the efficiency of the use of public resources, promote the performance of the government and restrict the abuse of public power in the governance of the country. The author also interprets the legal principle of the audit according to law and thinks that the power of the state audit is subordinate to the administrative power and that the audit according to law is an important link in the administration by law. The state audit power originates from the law and has the legitimacy. The authority is depersonalized, its way is rational choice, and the law enforcement behavior is also restricted by law. Based on the analysis of the present situation of audit practice, the problems existing in the reality of audit according to law are summarized: the audit legal system is not perfect, the audit subject is not set up rationally, and the audit subject is not set up properly. In the process of enforcing the law, the audit scope is restricted, the audit procedure is illegal, the discretion is improper, the audit decision is difficult to carry out, in addition, there are some phenomena, such as audit rent-seeking behavior, administrative intervention, etc. The causes of the problems are external and internal. The existence of these problems affects the implementation of audit according to law and the improvement of audit ability according to law. Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward the following countermeasures to improve and improve the audit ability of the state audit institutions according to law: perfecting the audit legal system, reforming the audit system to the legislative direction; We will speed up the reform of the audit results announcement system and the audit legal liability investigation system; strengthen the internal management of the audit institutions; improve the supervision system of the audit institutions; make good use of the audit discretion; and give prominence to the key points in the overall audit.
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