[Abstract]:At present, there is still a certain gap between the theoretical research and practical application of the modern risk-oriented audit, which is an advanced and emerging auditing method, compared with foreign countries. In order to narrow this gap and accelerate the research and application of modern risk-oriented audit in China, This paper studies the theory and practice of modern risk-oriented audit (business risk audit approach). This paper is divided into four parts, the main contents and conclusions are as follows: the first chapter is the introduction. The objective economic environment faced by CPA has undergone profound changes. This paper analyzes the present situation of the research on the modern risk-oriented audit method in our country compared with foreign countries, and puts forward that it is necessary to study the theory and practice of the modern risk-based audit in our country at present. At the same time, this chapter clarifies the content of this paper. The second chapter, the third chapter is the second part. This part systematically studies the modern risk-oriented audit theory and how to use this method in practice. The emergence and development of the system theory provide a conceptual guidance for the modern risk-based audit; the strategic management theory and its application become the basis of the modern risk-based audit; the modern risk-based audit is a new basic auditing method. Modern risk-oriented audit adopts the idea of "top-down" and "bottom-up" to complete the audit. First of all, according to the strategic analysis of the key business links to analyze the residual risk determination of this "top-down" line to determine the content, time and scope of substantive testing; Then, through the "bottom-up" substantive testing process to finalize the audit. Chapter four, chapter five is the third part. Chapter four makes a case study on how to use the modern risk-based audit method in audit practice through an example of C Company. The results show that the modern risk-oriented audit has a deeper understanding of risk, higher efficiency and better effect. There is still a certain gap between the present situation of our country and the effective implementation of the modern risk-oriented audit method. It should include the establishment of risk standards and the revision of existing auditing standards, the cognitive and learning ability of certified public accountants, and the setting up of the organization and organization of accounting firms. With the help of external experts and other aspects of improvement and promotion. The sixth chapter is the fourth part, summarizes the main conclusions of this study, and the direction and focus of the future research are prospected.
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