[Abstract]:The scientific and effective management of audit risk is the inherent requirement of the development of socialist market economy, the internal need of establishing audit prestige, optimizing the audit environment and enhancing the performance of audit activities. It is the motive force of directly promoting the self-construction of audit subjects and the development of audit cause, which is beneficial to the rational allocation of social resources and to the stability of society. The purpose of our research on audit risk is to prevent and control audit risk. The author thinks that we should start with the following aspects: first, we should have a comprehensive, profound and sober understanding of audit risk; second, we should greatly improve the quality of auditors; Thirdly, audit risk management should be carried out on the basis of perfecting and perfecting the system; fourth, audit risk management should be strengthened in the reform and innovation of audit methods to prevent and control audit risks; fifth, audit project quality management should be strengthened; Sixth, the external environment of audit activities should be optimized to prevent and resolve audit risks caused by audit environment and audit object factors. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the concept and characteristics of audit risk. The second chapter analyzes the factors of audit risk. From the audit risk of the subject factor, the object factor, the environment factor three aspects to carry on the analysis. The third chapter focuses on the management and prevention of audit risk. This chapter is divided into five parts: first, the objectives and significance of audit risk management; secondly, the basic measures of audit risk management and prevention; thirdly, review and resolve audit risk; fourth, the impact of accounting law on audit risk; Finally, the application of risk-based audit in our audit practice.
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