[Abstract]:At present, the quality of CPA audit of listed companies in China is poor, which results in a serious blow to the capital market, investor confidence and corporate governance mechanism. By analyzing the factors affecting the audit quality of certified public accountants (CPA) in Chinese listed companies, this paper investigates the current situation of CPA audit quality in Chinese listed companies and analyzes its main causes. Then it puts forward the countermeasures to improve the audit quality of certified public accountants of listed companies in our country. The main contents are as follows: first, the related factors affecting the audit quality of CPA of listed companies in China. From the three angles of capital market, corporate governance and accounting firm, this paper analyzes comprehensively, systematically and thoroughly the factors that affect the audit quality of certified public accountants of listed companies in China. Audit has the function of improving the value of accounting information, and the audit quality changes the benefit arrangement of the participants in the capital market. High-quality CPA audit can not only restrain the chance of managers manipulating accounting information, but also help to promote the incentive effect of management compensation contract, and thus improve the efficiency of corporate governance. As the main body of market competition, accounting firm is an economic entity which has independent property right, bears corresponding responsibility and pursues its own economic benefit maximization. The audit quality of CPA is not only the basis of accounting firm's benefit, but also the guarantee of accounting firm's reputation, and the effective measure to reduce audit risk. Second, a case study on the audit quality of certified public accountants of listed companies in China. Firstly, this paper investigates the audit quality of certified public accountants in listed companies in China from two aspects: the investigation results of the audit quality of listed companies in China and the typical audit failure cases that have been exposed, and then the audit quality of certified public accountants of listed companies in China is investigated. It shows that the audit quality of certified public accountants in our country is poor. Secondly, it deeply analyzes the four reasons that lead to the present situation of audit quality: the defects of the organization system of accounting firms; Quality control standards are not perfect; audit pricing is not standardized; accounting firm appointment system is distorted. Third, the countermeasures to improve the audit quality of certified public accountants of listed companies in China. In order to improve the audit quality of CPA in listed companies of our country, the paper puts forward corresponding suggestions for the four reasons that lead to the low audit quality of CPA in the listed companies of our country. So that the CPA audit in China's capital market, corporate governance and accounting firms should play a role. They are: reforming the organization system of accounting firms; perfecting the quality control standards; standardizing audit pricing; correcting the appointment system of accounting firms.
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