[Abstract]:In April 2000, China first formulated and issued the Accounting Standards for Enterprises-contingent matters, which came into effect on July 1, 2000. In February 2006, in the formulation of the new standard system, the standards were revised again. Issued Enterprise Accounting Standard 13-contingent matters. Contingent matters include contingent assets and contingent liabilities. The connotation of contingent assets, such as the claim for infringement of patent right by the other party, the claim for compensation for pollution caused by the other party and the claim for compensation for infringement of patent right and so on. At present, our country does not confirm the contingent assets. Contingent liability is expected liability, a basic premise of recognition is the realistic obligation of the enterprise, two conditions are: the performance of the obligation is likely to lead to economic interests out of the enterprise; the amount of the obligation can be reliably measured. Common contingent liabilities include pending litigation or arbitration, debt guarantee, product quality assurance, expected discount losses on commercial acceptance instruments, commitments, loss contracts, restructuring obligations, environmental pollution, disposal of fixed assets and mining area equity obligations, and so on. Based on Accounting system for Enterprises and Accounting Standard 13 for Enterprises, this paper puts forward the audit basis, method and specific accounting treatment of expected liabilities of certified public accountants, and explains the recognition of expected liabilities under various circumstances. Valuation, calculation and resale issues to provide reference for audit practice.
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