[Abstract]:Corruption is the abuse of public power. No country in the world today can avoid the influence of corruption, whether it is a democratic society or a centralized society, there is some form of corruption. Prevention and control of corruption is an international subject, in which many domestic and foreign scholars have carried on in-depth exploration. In China, the "audit storm" caused by the audit report made by the State Audit Office to the standing Committee of the National people's Congress on behalf of the State Council has aroused widespread concern in the whole society. The role of audit in the national anti-corruption system has been paid more and more attention by the rulers and theorists. This paper focuses on the analysis of the function of the national audit system to prevent and control corruption. The thesis is divided into three parts: one is to explain the necessity of national audit institutions in the process of anti-corruption, and explain the advantages of the state audit system in the prevention and control of corruption in theory. The second is to analyze the present situation of the government audit's function of preventing and controlling corruption, mainly from the current situation of the national audit system and the positive role played in the anti-corruption work. This paper fully analyzes the role of the national audit system in the prevention and control of corruption, and explains the various factors that restrict the anti-corruption function of the national audit system under the current system. The third is to expound the main measures to give full play to the function of auditing system to prevent and cure corruption, and to explore the various measures to strengthen the national auditing system in the system anti-corruption work. On the basis of the above-mentioned theoretical research, this paper draws a great deal of reference from the research results of administration and economics. In the course of the discussion, it cites a large number of audit cases published by the State Audit Office in recent years and contacted in my actual work.
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