[Abstract]:In 1961, the publication of Audit Theory structure, written by Mortz and Sharraf, ended the era of Audit No Theory. Since then, people have gradually realized that audit is not only a practical activity, but also a science, and should have its own theoretical system. In the past half century, people have been exploring audit theory research, and the research has achieved fruitful results, which has played a positive role in guiding audit practice. At the same time, audit practice activities are becoming more and more rich and diverse, and the emergence of a variety of audit objects has led to the formation of a new pattern of diversified development of audit disciplines. In order to adapt to this development, audit theory research gradually presents a decentralized trend. Scholars' research is more about different branches of audit, but neglects to find the commonalities of each branch, and takes audit as a whole to carry on the research. In view of the present situation of audit theory research, on the basis of the existing achievements of audit theory research, this paper absorbs the theories and methods of modern system science, and regards audit as a system to carry on the research. The purpose of this paper is to explore the law and dynamic mechanism of the development of the audit system through the study of the characteristics and evolution process of the audit system. Under the guidance of these basic laws, this paper puts forward the optimization ideas and strategies according to the present situation of the development of audit system in our country. In terms of the content and structure of the paper, this paper is composed of five chapters, which can be divided into three main parts: the first part is the first and second chapters of the paper, which puts forward the problems existing in the current audit theory research. Based on the analysis of the general methods of system science, this paper points out its guiding significance for the study of audit. The second part includes the third and fourth chapters of the paper, which is the analysis of the characteristics of the audit system under the guidance of the general methods of system science, including static (connotation, elements, structure of the system. Function and characteristics) and dynamics (evolution process and evolution law of the system); The third part is the fifth chapter of the paper, on the basis of understanding the characteristics of the audit system, to explore the driving force and dynamic mechanism to promote the evolution of the audit system. Therefore, in view of the present situation of the development of audit system in our country, this paper puts forward the ideas and strategies of optimizing the audit system in our country.
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