[Abstract]:Audit storm has produced shock, but also brought us a lot of thinking and enlightenment. With the shock of the audit storm, focusing on the audit storm has brought about a series of large-scale debates and resonations on a series of related issues, and discusses the lack of relevant practice caused by the audit results announcement. The national audit report system is of great practical significance to meet the urgent needs of the public for audit information, improve the quality of audit services and promote the rule of law. On the basis of summing up the relevant literature research, this paper analyzes the causes of the problems from the perspective of the present situation and existing problems of the national audit report system by analyzing the essence and characteristics of the national audit report system, so as to locate the national audit report system more accurately. The countermeasures to improve its overall operating framework are put forward, and finally, the policy suggestions on the coordinated construction of relevant institutional arrangements are obtained. Focusing on the definition of "who will do it" and "for whom"-the definition of the executive subject and the object of service of the national audit report system, and the analysis of the present situation of the national audit report system, "what should be done"-the orientation of the national audit report system, "how to do"-the perfect implementation framework of the national audit report system, and discusses in detail. This paper puts forward that the operational framework of the national audit report system is composed of the implementation mechanism and the rule system, and the construction and optimal implementation of the core links is the key to ensure the operation of the national audit report system. The specific measures include: establishing the legal basis and operating standards for the operation of the reporting system, establishing the quality control mechanism of audit reports, establishing the feedback mechanism of audit information, and perfecting the announcement system of audit results. Establish accountability mechanism and accountability system as well as supporting system follow-up.
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