[Abstract]:The negative effect of the collusion between the listed company and the audit is not only to make the "primordial qi" of the capital market be in a great deal, but also to shake the credit base of the audit, and put forward the innovative requirements for the management of the capital market research. The theory and thought of the efficiency of the traditional research capital market are based on the quality and the capacity of the information contained in the existing market price of the capital market transaction "subject matter" (such as securities), and whether the effective judgment is made through the empirical analysis. It is not only the objective requirement of capital market regulation but also a new attempt to improve the operation efficiency of capital market in the research of theory and method. Therefore, using the theories of the "subject group" of sociology, ethics, information economics and so on, the mechanism not only can optimize the capital market development environment of China's macro-policy layer, but also make a policy suggestion for the development of the capital market supervision framework. It provides the basis for the innovation of our country's audit system and the positioning of the function target of the audit market, and also provides a new theoretical research path and operation idea for the effective management of the capital market in our country. The paper first expounds the background and significance of the mechanism of the auditing credit mechanism on the operation efficiency of the capital market, and analyzes the present situation of the research on this topic at home and abroad, and determines the paper. Then, the paper analyzes the audit credit and the audit quality demand of the capital market of our country, and defines the connotation of the integrity of the audit and its related concepts, and points out that the capital market of our country is indifferent to the high quality audit service demand, and the certified public accountant lacks the masses. The internal motivation of the integrity is clear and the integrity of the audit is in our country's capital The reasonable positioning of the market is discussed. Then, by discussing the environmental constraints that affect the integrity of our country's capital market, the regulatory system of the CPA industry is obtained from the US. The changes of our country's capital market operation efficiency are designed and constructed based on the self-discipline mechanism and the other law mechanism, and the auditing credit mechanism for improving the operating efficiency of the capital market in China is constructed. On the basis of this, the conditions, processes and basic functions of the operation of the integrity mechanism of the audit are analyzed, and the mechanism of the integrity of the audit is explained through the information source and its transfer and disclosure, the transaction time and the transaction cost function and the operation of the capital market, respectively. Efficiency and external efficiency, as well as the operation efficiency of the integrity of the audit to the capital market Finally, the paper analyzes the trend and distribution of the non-standard unqualified audit report in the audit report issued by the certified public accountant for more than 10 years, and discusses the non-standard unqualified opinion.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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