本文关键词:中国联通单一品牌战略研究 出处:《北京邮电大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Telecommunication industry, as a strategic industry of our national economy, has maintained rapid growth in the past 30 years, but at the same time, because of the high homogeneity of telecommunication products and business, the competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the telecommunication tariff has been declining. And the competition has evolved from the business level to the whole business, the whole field of competition. Therefore, after the exploration and attempt in recent years, the operators turned their eyes from the pure price competition to the diversified brand competition. Focus on the establishment of a brand strategy suitable for the long-term development of enterprises, brand has become one of the core competitiveness of the telecommunications industry in the era of .2G, the operators have implemented a multi-brand strategy. 2009. China's telecommunications market has entered the 3G era from the 2G era, which has brought a new competition pattern. 2013 is expected to be the first year of 4G license issuance, which will further intensify the operators in the whole field. As the first communication enterprise in China to transform from multi-brand strategy to single-brand strategy, its development process attracts attention. The single brand strategy of China Unicom is studied. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the research background and purpose. The second chapter briefly explains the theory of single brand strategy and multi-brand strategy. The third chapter briefly introduces the theory of single brand strategy and multi-brand strategy. China Unicom Company and the current situation of the industry. And China Unicom multi-brand strategy and single brand strategy are elaborated in detail. Chapter 4th is the core of this paper, comprehensive use of research and demonstration, theory combined with data methods. The market effect of different brand strategy is analyzed and the universal significance of single brand strategy is put forward. Chapter 5th summarizes the experience of China Unicom implementing single brand strategy. And puts forward the improvement suggestion in the aspect of implementation. 6th part is the conclusion.
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