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  本文关键词:当前我国网络民主的发展及其引导 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 网络民主 引导 策略

【摘要】:网络技术飞速发展,快速渗透扩散的今天,网络正在越来越深刻的影响着人们的生产和生活方式,网络对政治的渗透和影响,人民大众对信息透明化以及追求程序性民主和正义的呼声日益猛烈。各类网站发展迅猛形成网络文化建设新格局。党的十七大以来,互联网日益成为宣传党和国家路线、方针、政策的重要渠道,以重点新闻网站为骨干,各级政府网站、知名商业网站和专业文化类网站积极参与、共同推进网络文化建设的生动局面逐步形成。网络政治空间是如何形成的,网络民主的概念、特征、本质是怎样的,网络民主的参与主体即:官方政府和普通大众,双方在面对网络民主时,如何趋利避害,引导网络民主向有序化、规范化的方向发展,是网络时代需要研究的一个重要课题。如何从不同角度来规避风险,引导网络民主的发展是本文研究的主要内容。 本文首先介绍了我国网络民主的涵义与发展,将网络民主及其相关概念作了详细阐述,并且归纳总结了我国当前网络民主表现的八种形式。其次从互联网,网民,微博等方面分析了我国网络民主的发展态势,并且深度剖析了中国网络民主兴起的现实原因。再者,从网民素质,互联网的监管,,地方行政机关,网络媒体四个主要影响因素分析了中国网络民主发展中的问题与制约。最后,在前面分析的基础上,从网络民主发展的政治生态环境,转变执政思维,提高网络时代执政能力建设,保护公民的网络监督权,加大网络思想政治教育,促进网络民主的法制化与有序化,加强网络伦理道德建设几个方面提出了中国网络民主发展的引导策略。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of network technology, rapid penetration and diffusion of today, the network is more and more profound impact on people's production and life style, network penetration and influence on politics. The public calls for transparency of information and the pursuit of procedural democracy and justice are increasingly fierce. The rapid development of various websites has formed a new pattern of network culture construction. Since the 17th National Congress of the CPC. The Internet has increasingly become an important channel for propagating party and state lines, principles and policies, with key news websites as the backbone, government websites at all levels, well-known commercial websites and professional and cultural websites actively participating. How to form the network political space, the concept, the characteristic and the essence of the network democracy. The main body of network democracy is: the official government and the general public, when both sides face the network democracy, how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, guide the network democracy to the direction of order and standardization. How to avoid risks from different angles and guide the development of network democracy is the main content of this paper. This paper first introduces the meaning and development of our country's network democracy, elaborates the network democracy and its related concepts, and summarizes the eight forms of our country's current network democracy. Secondly, from the Internet. Internet users, Weibo and other aspects of the analysis of the development of China's network democracy, and in-depth analysis of the rise of China's network democracy practical reasons. Furthermore, from the quality of Internet users, the supervision of the Internet, local administrative organs. The four main influencing factors of network media analyze the problems and constraints in the development of China's network democracy. Finally, on the basis of the previous analysis, from the political ecological environment of the development of network democracy, change the ruling thinking. To improve the ruling capacity of the network era, to protect citizens' right of network supervision, to increase the network ideological and political education, and to promote the legalization and ordering of network democracy. To strengthen the construction of network ethics, this paper puts forward some guiding strategies for the development of network democracy in China.


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