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发布时间:2018-04-06 22:26

  本文选题:手机网游 切入点:环境分析 出处:《北京邮电大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper starts from the definition of mobile phone online games, adopts top-down research methods, analyzes the differences between mobile phone online games and traditional online games, and provides the basis for the design of the differentiated marketing strategies of mobile phone online games.Then combined with the common theory of marketing strategy analysis, as well as the development of the game industry overview and related theory review, clear the research content and research objectives of this topic.Then through the benchmarking analysis of the representative successful mobile phone online game products, we get the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone online games and key success factors, and then put forward the initial assumption of mobile phone online game marketing strategy.Then it analyzes the external environment of mobile online games, including the macro environment analysis of the game market and the micro environment analysis of mobile phone online games market, and summarizes the problems and opportunities in the development of mobile phone online games.This paper summarizes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the mobile gaming industry in China, and analyzes the STP strategy of the mobile online gaming industry, and clarifies the market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning.The target market and market orientation of different mobile phone business models are put forward.Finally, combined with the previous analysis results, this paper makes a comprehensive overview of mobile online games marketing strategy, and expounds the future development of mobile phone online games industry, from the products, prices, channels, sales promotion and support support and other aspects of the proposed marketing strategy recommendations.


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