本文选题:比特产品 + 交换价值 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:比特产品作为承载信息资源的虚拟产品,是以比特或比特流形式存在的信息产品,具有边际成本几乎为零的特殊成本结构,这个特点使一些经典经济学理论失效。虽然生产比特产品复制品的劳动时间几乎为零,但是其具备与元产品相同的使用价值,因此在市场上可以获得一定的交换价值量,这使人们对比特产品交换价值的基础是否仍然是人类一般劳动产生了疑问;同时,网络外部性的存在使得比特产品的价值量不再像物质产品那样由生产过程完全决定,而是受到产品的交换和消费过程影响。 传统交换价值理论的失效,使得比特产品在市场上交换时的价值评估和定价策略逐渐缺乏理论依据。从生产者角度看,由于创造生产比特产品付出了一定的成本,所以希望通过交换比特产品获得一定量的交换价值以保证资本的回收和盈利;而从消费者角度看,既然再生产一份复制品的成本几乎为零,那是否应该免费提供给用户使用,制定的产品价格是否合理便成为了疑问。这些疑问使现实中生产者在制定价格时面临两难,一方面,较能保证资本回收的价格也许会降低用户接受度,妨碍市场拓展使产品夭折;另一方面,较低甚至免费的产品价格或许能迅速扩大市场,但是不能保证成本回收。对比特产品价值交换机制、交换价值的本质以及实现方式认识不清,是比特产品市场的盈利模式建立困难的根源。因此许多生产者将比特产品的盈利点放在了产品推广后期,比特产品的交换价值链发生了延长。于是前期通过低价或免费所积累的无形资源价值体现在哪里,如何在未来实现期望收益——货币形式的交换价值,成为了需要关注的研究点。此外,比特产品市场上出现了不以盈利为目的的交换行为,使得人们开始重新审视“价值”一词的含义,思考人们通过这些交换所获得的交换价值如何体现。基于这些新现象和新矛盾,在比特产品市场上出现了哪些产品交换形式?不同交换形式下比特产品的价值交换过程和交换价值的本质是什么,是否与物质产品有质上的不同?交换价值如何实现,与物质产品相比出现了哪些新特征?这些疑问,引发我们去思考,也是本研究将要探讨的内容。 目前经济学对各种交换行为的研究一般都基于物质产品的特性来分析,这是工业时代人们进行交换的对象大部分是物质产品造成的。为了突出研究对象比特化的存在形式,同时和现有的经济学理论相区别,有学者提出了“比特经济学”,将比特产品从狭义上定义为以比特或比特流形式存在的信息产品。本文在对商品交换、社会交换、礼品交换和知识共享等各类交换形式的交换对象、交换原则和交换目的进行对比总结后,肯定了这些已有理论对研究比特产品交换价值的借鉴意义。在比特产品交换价值概念和经验性研究方面,有学者初步探讨了信息产品的交换价值,认为信息产品的交换价值是对客观使用价值的评价。而一些学者的经验性工作有助于人们找出评价比特产品价值的客观标准,进而确定产品的交换价值。但是以上研究并没有结合价值的本质来系统地研究比特产品的交换价值概念及其本质。 在比特产品价值交换过程的已有研究中,关于比特产品以盈利为目的的交换方面,学者们的研究主要集中在信息产品的版权交易上,揭示了信息产品的版权交易模式和版权交易规则,并重点讨论了如何降低版权交易成本的问题。但是这些研究中对价值的讨论仅局限于交易前的版权价值评估,对交易中的价值交换机制和交换所能换回的交换价值本质及其实现方式研究较少;而面对各类比特产品在市场上大多以较低甚至免费的价格来实现交换的现象,一些学者探讨了通过哪些方式积累交易机会来实现产品在未来的总体收益。但是关注的重点集中在了定价策略方面,未能帮助产品提供者从价值积累和价值转化的高度正确认识比特产品低价甚至免费交易的现实背后存在延长的交换价值链;同时,由于缺乏对这种延长的交换价值链中交换价值的实现机制及其影响因素的研究,不利于指导产品提供者建立合适的盈利模式推广比特产品,以实现成本回收和盈利的目标。 而关于比特产品不以盈利为目的的交换方面,许多研究都探讨了网络社区成员进行这类交换的目的,但是大多数研究所分析出的交换目的如自我效能、归属感等,都是成员自己的一些主观感受,没有更深入地去思考成员之前是通过获得哪些非货币形式的交换价值来实现这些感受的,因此不利于网络社区经营者根据社区用户不同的交换需求采取有区别性的报酬强化机制激励用户继续进行这类交换,促进网络社区中比特产品的创造和共享。同时,研究者们大多只建立了概念模型从质上去分析讨论这些交换目的,没有进行量化,从而不利于指导网络社区经营者们采集关于价值的相关数据进行跟踪和观察。 以上的现实背景和已有的理论研究现状使本文的研究工作具有了相当的重要性和必要性。为了在理论上揭示不同交换形式下比特产品的交换条件和交换价值的本质,完善现有交换价值理论和比特经济学的微观理论体系;同时在现实中帮助比特产品市场的参与者分类深入认识比特产品交换价值的实现方式,为有效管理交易市场和制定价格策略提供基础,基于目前比特产品交换价值的研究成果和不足,本文先是从狭义和广义的角度介绍了比特产品的概念,接着探讨了传统交换价值概念的范畴,指出其在解释比特产品的交换价值时存在一定的局限性,从而将比特产品的交换价值研究范畴从商品交换领域回归到了产品交换领域。接着根据比特产品交换时是否以盈利为目的,将比特产品的交换形式分为盈利性交换和非盈利性交换。然后分别辩证地分析了比特产品盈利性交换和非盈利性交换两种交换形式下的价值交换机制、交换价值的本质和交换价值的实现机制。研究内容和结论如下: (1)比特产品盈利性交换的交换价值研究。首先,从比特产品进行盈利性交换的版权价值结构、交换的条件出发分析其价值交换机制;然后,对比特产品盈利性交换的交换价值进行质的描述,在此基础上分别探讨了单次交换价值量和长期平均交换价值量中表现出的比特产品的价值结构,同时分析了研究比特产品长期平均交换价值量的必要性;接着,为了能从价值积累和价值转化的高度正确认识比特产品低价甚至免费交易的市场现象,揭示了比特产品延长的交换价值链中出现机会价值这种代表未来交换机会的中间交换物;然后构建数学模型重点研究了机会价值主要通过哪些方式转化为货币形式的交换价值,分析转化过程中的影响因素。 通过研究本文认为,比特产品盈利性交换的交换可能产生区为供方的成本曲线与需方的效用价值曲线围成的区域;与物质产品的交换可能产生区相比,由于比特产品的交换底限可以为产品的平均成本线或边际成本线,可能交换区域发生了横向和纵向的拓展。比特产品盈利性交换的交换价值本质是各部门应分得的社会有用劳动,作为商品进行盈利性交换的比特产品与传统物质产品的交换价值在质上并无本质区别。比特产品的版权价值结构是比特产品进行盈利性交换的基础,版权价值结构出现的根本原因是比特产品生产过程所投入的创新劳动具有特殊性,而比特产品成本结构的特殊性是版权价值结构能够出现的条件。增加产品供给量所获得的交换价值总和共同构成了创造第一份比特产品的创新劳动价值,因此研究比特产品的长期平均交换价值量有必要性。比特产品盈利性交换的交换价值链发生了延长,其中积累的机会价值主要可以通过优质用户的培养、直接网络外部性和交叉网络外部性几个方面转化为货币形式的交换价值。这使得盈利性交换的区域以比特产品的边际成本曲线作为交换底限成为可能,也是市场上出现了大量长期低价甚至免费比特产品的原因。相比在单次交换中比特产品的价值全部转化为货币形式的交换价值,这种先积累机会价值的方式有可能会增大最终产品能够换回的货币形式的交换价值量。因此对于比特产品而言,创新劳动最终能够形成多大的社会有用劳动价值,受到产品在市场上交换被用户使用和消费情况的影响。 (2)比特产品非盈利性交换的交换价值研究。首先,在分析了比特产品进行非盈利性交换行为所涉及的对象、交换行为的流程和表现方式之后,探讨了比特产品非盈利性交换的价值交换机制,主要从交换产生的条件和基于传播模式的价值反馈机制两方面展开分析;然后,对比特产品非盈利性交换的交换价值进行质的描述和构成分析,并建立多维测度模型有效衡量交换价值;接着,为了具体研究交换价值的不同维度如何满足人们的高层次心理需求,同时验证对交换价值的构成维度划分是否科学,分析建立了个人时间价值实现机制的实证模型;最后,为了研究网络社区成员在进行比特产品非盈利性交换过程中影响交换价值实现的因素及其作用,基于交换价值的测度分析构建了比特产品非盈利性交换机制模型。 通过研究本文认为,比特产品非盈利性交换时基于互惠原则和彼此的信任,双方通常不作讨价还价,交换会产生人与人之间的义务感、感激和信任之情;交换中的比值并不固定,获取的回报以结果预期为基础,只要交换双方满意就行,不需要统一的社会标准。比特产品非盈利性交换的交换价值可以用个人时间价值来衡量,以个人有用劳动为基础,体现了创造生产比特产品所付出的个人自由劳动的个人有用性,因此与传统商品交换中的交换价值在质上有本质区别。比特产品非盈利性交换的交换价值测度可以划分为关系嵌入性维度、结构嵌入性维度和认知嵌入性维度;个人时间价值的实现过程就是通过交换价值的各个维度来满足人们不同的高层次心理需求。比特产品非盈利性交换的交换价值实现受到交换过程中多种因素的影响,包括原创者因素、消费者因素和产品因素。 本研究的创新之处表现在: 第一,揭示了比特产品在市场上的交换形式中出现了不以盈利为目的的非盈利性交换形式,从而将比特产品交换价值的研究范畴从商品交换领域回归到了产品交换领域。 第二,系统分析了比特产品盈利性交换和非盈利性交换形式下的价值交换机制和交换价值的本质,并与传统交换价值概念作对比,揭示了不同交换形式下比特产品的价值基础。 第三,在比特产品盈利性交换的交换价值实现方面,揭示了延长的交换价值链中存在机会价值,并建立模型探讨了机会价值如何转化为货币形式的交换价值。从而解释了市场上中出现大量低价甚至免费比特产品的根本原因和基本条件,指导产品提供者建立合适的盈利模式推广比特产品来回收开发创造的成本并盈利。 第四,借鉴社会资本理论和复杂网络理论建立多维度测度模型有效衡量比特产品非盈利性交换的交换价值,基于此研究了交换价值的各个维度如何满足人们高层次心理需求,以及交换价值实现过程中的影响因素作用。从而指导网络社区经营者根据社区用户不同的心理需求采用强化机制来激励比特产品的生产者,有的放矢地采取措施加强成员进行比特产品创造和非盈利性交换的积极性,促进网络社区互动关系的运作和创新发展。
[Abstract]:As a virtual product carrying information resource , bit product is a kind of information product in the form of bit or bit stream . It has the special cost structure with marginal cost almost zero , which makes some classical economics theories fail . Although the labor time of producing bit product replica is almost zero , it has the same use value as meta - product , so it has the same value of exchange value as meta - product , which makes it possible to get a certain amount of exchange value in the market .
At the same time , the existence of network Externalities makes the value of the bit product no longer completely decided by the production process like the material product , but is influenced by the exchange and consumption process of the product .
The failure of traditional exchange value theory makes the value evaluation and pricing strategy of bit product exchange in the market gradually lack theoretical basis . From the point of view of producer , because of the cost of creating production bit product , it is hoped that the exchange value will be obtained by exchanging bit product to ensure the recovery and profitability of capital ;
From the point of view of consumers , since the cost of producing a copy is almost zero , it is doubtful whether the product prices should be provided free of charge to users . These questions make it difficult for producers in reality to make price . On the one hand , the price of capital recovery may reduce the acceptance of the user and prevent the market expansion from dying the product ;
On the other hand , lower and even free product prices may rapidly expand the market , but do not guarantee cost recovery . In contrast to the value exchange mechanism of special products , the nature of the exchange value and the realization mode , the exchange value chain of the bit product market has been extended .
At present , the research on various exchange behaviors is generally based on the characteristics of material products , which is caused by the material products in the industrial era .
In the research of the value exchange process of bit products , scholars ' research focuses on the exchange of information products . The research of scholars mainly focuses on the copyright trade of information products , reveals the copyright trading patterns and copyright trading rules of information products , and discusses how to reduce the cost of copyright transaction . However , the discussion of the value in these studies is limited to the copyright value evaluation before the transaction .
However , in the face of various kinds of bit products in the market mostly with lower and even free price to realize the exchange phenomenon , some scholars have discussed which way to accumulate the opportunity to realize the product ' s overall income in the future . But focus on pricing strategy , fail to help the product provider to know the value accumulation and value transformation from the high correct understanding of the low price of the bit product and even the free trade , there is an extension of the exchange value chain ;
At the same time , due to the lack of research on the realization mechanism of the exchange value in the extended exchange value chain and its influencing factors , it is not beneficial to instruct the product provider to establish the appropriate profit - profit model to promote the bit product , so as to realize the goal of cost recovery and profitability .
However , many researches have discussed the purpose of the exchange of the members of the network community in terms of non - profit - oriented exchange , but most of the research has analyzed the exchange objectives such as self - efficacy , sense of belonging and so on , so as to promote the creation and sharing of the bit products in the network community . At the same time , the researchers mostly set up conceptual models to analyze and discuss these exchange purposes , and do not quantify them , thus not to guide the network community operators to collect relevant data about value for tracking and observation .
In order to reveal the essence of the exchange conditions and the exchange value of the bit products in different forms of exchange , the present exchange value theory and the micro - theoretical system of bit economics are perfected .
This paper introduces the concept of bit product from narrow sense and broad sense , then discusses the concept of the traditional exchange value concept , and points out that it has some limitations in explaining the exchange value of bit product . Then , it analyzes the value exchange mechanism of bit product ' s profit exchange and non - profit exchange , and discusses the mechanism of value exchange and the realization mechanism of the exchange value .
( 1 ) Research on the exchange value of the profit exchange of bit products . Firstly , the value exchange mechanism is analyzed based on the copyright value structure and exchange condition of the profit exchange of the bit product .
Then , the paper discusses the value structure of the bit product expressed in the quantity of the single exchange value and the long - term average exchange value , and analyzes the necessity of the long - term average exchange value of the research bit product .
Then , in order to correctly understand the market phenomenon of low - cost and even free trade of bit products from the value accumulation and value transformation , this paper reveals the opportunity value in the exchange value chain extended by bit products , which represents the intermediate exchange of future exchange opportunities .
Then the mathematical model focuses on how the opportunity value is transformed into the exchange value of monetary form , and the influencing factors in the transformation process are analyzed .
By studying this paper , it is believed that the exchange of profit - for - profit exchange of bit products may result in a region surrounded by the cost curve of the supplier and the utility value curve of the demander ;
The exchange value of bit product is the basis of profit exchange , and the value of value of bit product is the same as that of traditional material product .
( 2 ) The research on the exchange value of non - profit exchange of bit products . Firstly , after analyzing the object , the process and the expression way involved in the non - profit exchange behavior of the bit product , the paper discusses the value exchange mechanism of the non - profit exchange of the bit product , mainly analyzes the conditions of the exchange and the value feedback mechanism based on the propagation mode ;
Then , the exchange value of the non - profit exchange of the special product is described and analyzed , and a multi - dimensional measure model is established to measure the exchange value effectively ;
Then , in order to study how the different dimensions of the exchange value meet the high - level psychological needs of people , it is verified whether the constituent dimension of the exchange value is scientific and the empirical model of the realization mechanism of personal time value is established ;
Finally , in order to study the factors and the role of the members of the network community in the non - profit exchange process of the bit products , the non - profit exchange mechanism model of the bit product is constructed based on the measure analysis of the exchange value .
By studying this paper , the mutual benefit principle and mutual trust in the non - profit exchange of bit products , both parties usually do not bargain , the exchange will produce the obligation , gratitude and trust between the person and the person ;
The exchange value of the non - profit exchange of the bit products can be measured by personal time value , which reflects the personal usefulness of the individual free labor paid by the creation of the production bit product . Therefore , the exchange value measure of the non - profit exchange of the bit product can be divided into the relation embedding dimension , the structure embedding dimension and the cognitive embedding dimension ;
The realization process of personal time value is to satisfy people ' s different high - level psychological needs by exchanging the dimensions of value . The exchange value of non - profit exchange of bit products is affected by various factors in the exchange process , including original factors , consumer factors and product factors .
The innovations of this study are characterized by :
Firstly , the non - profit exchange form in the form of exchange of bit products in the market is revealed , so that the research category of the exchange value of bit products is returned to the product exchange domain from the field of commodity exchange .
Secondly , the paper systematically analyzes the value exchange mechanism and the exchange value nature in the form of profit - for - profit exchange and non - profit exchange of the bit product , and compares it with the traditional exchange value concept , and reveals the value basis of the bit product in different switching forms .
Thirdly , in the realization of the exchange value of the profit - for - profit exchange of the bit products , this paper reveals the value of opportunity in the extended exchange value chain , and establishes the model to explore how the opportunity value can be converted into the exchange value of monetary form .
Fourthly , using social capital theory and complex network theory to set up multi - dimension measure model to measure the exchange value of non - profit exchange of bit product effectively , based on this research , how to satisfy people ' s high - level psychological needs and the influencing factors in the realization of the exchange value .
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