[Abstract]:Hubei Mobile is a production, sales, research in one of the communication service companies, is facing fierce market competition at home and abroad. In order to win the competitive advantage and realize the strategic goal, the company regards the human resource planning as one of the most important tasks, in order to provide sufficient human resource guarantee for the long-term development of the company. First of all, this paper theoretically explains the definition of human resource planning and its contents, and then analyzes the internal and external environment that influence Hubei Mobile's human resource planning. At the same time, combined with the current situation and strategic objectives of the company's human resources, through the comprehensive use of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, identified the company's human resource needs, and on the basis of the detailed planning of the company's human resources, It includes: establishing and perfecting the company's human resource management system based on strategy, gradually establishing the position sequence, adopting the targeted human resources management strategy, increasing the training and introduction of all kinds of key talents and highly educated talents; To strengthen the recruitment and training of county and city level management personnel, to construct the management layer of pyramid structure, to form reasonable management and backup ladder structure and so on. Finally, the paper puts forward some concrete and feasible suggestions to ensure the effective implementation of Hubei Mobile Human Resource Planning.
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