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发布时间:2018-08-17 10:00
[Abstract]:With the development of the information and information technology revolution, the social form is gradually changing from the industrial society to the information society. The telecommunication industry has become an important industry for the national economic development and national security and stability. Under the background of Hunan Chang-Zhuzhou-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan communication integration key project, the establishment of a new supervision system of telecommunication industry, which is suitable for the development of a two-type society, is suitable for the development of a two-type society, which is conducive to the market competition of the telecommunications industry and to the promotion of the sustainable development of the telecommunications industry. It is of great significance to promote the construction of the two-type social pilot area in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan country. On the basis of deep demonstration of the relationship between the construction of two-type society and the supervision of telecommunication industry, this paper objectively analyzes the present situation, problems and reasons of the supervision of telecommunication industry in the construction of two-type society in Hunan Province. Combined with the actual situation of our province, this paper puts forward the policy innovation of telecom industry supervision in the construction of a two-oriented society: speeding up the pace of industrial transformation, speeding up the integration of three networks, speeding up the implementation of the broadband strategy, speeding up the development of rural communications, and strengthening the supervision of the communication market. Strengthen the management of communication construction, promote local communication legislation and so on.


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8 葛,




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