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发布时间:2018-11-22 08:50
【摘要】:中国通信业的改革发展经过了约十四年的时间,从初期的政企合一、独家垄断发展到今天的中国移动、中国电信、中国联通三大运营商竞争格局。在这期间,随着客户对网络质量需求的提升,再加上通信行业内竞争加剧,通信运营商的通信网络运行维护管理模式完全有必要随之进行调整和优化。还有一点应该指出,运行维护工作自身的发展方向也是一个不断积累逐步提升的过程。 益阳联通网络运行维护管理模式正面临以上所述的情况,这使得本文研究益阳联通网络运行维护管理模式优化具有十分重要的现实意义。本文分为五个章节,主要分析了益阳联通在电信业重组后这段时期内,网络运行维护管理模式存在的问题。同时,本文提出了优化益阳联通公司网络运行维护管理模式的目的及目标,设计了益阳联通网络运行维护管理模式优化和调整的具体内容。为了保障优化后的运行维护管理模式更好地实施,本文还根据益阳联通在运行维护管理中维护人员的状态重点,重点设计了一个以正激励为主的激励措施。最后,对本文的研究情况进行了总结与展望。 本文运用SWOT分析法分析了益阳联通公司的内外部环境,通过对益阳联通公司客户的调查发现了运行维护监控值班是维护管理的薄弱环节,是客户感知指标保障与提升的基础岗位;通过对益阳联通公司维护人员的调查发现员工在对业绩奖罚方面存在不认可的情况,需要通过调整绩效考核、增加正激励等方式来提升员工士气。本文通过运用管理学的相关知识,根据益阳联通公司的实际情况,对网络运行管理模式进行了优化研究,以保障益阳联通公司更好地践行“以客户为中心,用服务促发展”的核心理念,实现企业效益最大化的目的。
[Abstract]:The reform and development of China's telecommunications industry has gone through about 14 years, from the initial integration of government and enterprises, exclusive monopoly to today's China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom three major operators competition pattern. During this period, with the improvement of customers' demand for network quality and the intensification of competition in the communication industry, it is necessary to adjust and optimize the management mode of communication network operation and maintenance of communication operators. It should also be pointed out that the development direction of the operation and maintenance work itself is also a process of continuous accumulation and gradual improvement. Yiyang Unicom network operation and maintenance management mode is facing the above mentioned situation, which makes the study of Yiyang Unicom network operation and maintenance management mode optimization has very important practical significance. This paper is divided into five chapters, mainly analyzes the problems existing in the management mode of network operation and maintenance in the period after the reorganization of the telecom industry in Yiyang Unicom. At the same time, this paper puts forward the aim and goal of optimizing the network operation and maintenance management mode of Yiyang Unicom, and designs the concrete contents of optimization and adjustment of the network operation maintenance management mode of Yiyang Unicom. In order to ensure the better implementation of the optimized operation and maintenance management mode, according to the state of maintenance personnel of Yiyang Unicom in operation and maintenance management, this paper designs an incentive measure based on positive incentive. Finally, the research situation of this paper is summarized and prospected. This paper analyzes the internal and external environment of Yiyang Unicom Company by using SWOT analysis method. Through the investigation of customers of Yiyang Unicom Company, it is found that maintenance monitoring is the weak link of maintenance management. Is the customer perception index protection and promotion of the basic post; Through the investigation of the maintenance staff of Yiyang Unicom, it is found that the employees do not approve of the performance rewards and penalties, and we need to improve the staff morale by adjusting the performance appraisal and increasing the positive incentives. By using the relevant knowledge of management, according to the actual situation of Yiyang Unicom, this paper optimizes the management mode of network operation, in order to ensure that Yiyang Unicom can better practice "customer-centered," The core idea of "promoting development with service" is to realize the goal of maximizing the benefit of enterprises.


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