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发布时间:2018-12-12 08:15
【摘要】:党的十七大报告中明确提出“加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理疏导”,这是党和政府对“以人为本”思想的重申,是对人的价值的重视的体现。“人文”在我国已经有很长的发展历史,“人文关怀”也已经是现代企业必须要关注的重点。人是企业的根本,只有充分关注人、尊重人,充分实现人的价值和自由,才能够极大的提高人的工作积极性,才能够使企业的发展更加健康。 邮政企业在我国经历过数次变革,随着社会经济的发展,邮政企业也应该紧随潮流,加强邮政工作中对人的重视程度,使邮政工作中充满人文关怀,使工作人员获得主人翁的地位。但是目前我国邮政工作中人文关怀的现状并不那么乐观,仍然存在着诸多问题,在这种背景下,研究我国邮政工作的人文关怀尤为必要,依据我国邮政工作的现实情况提出相应的改善建议对促进我国的邮政工作也具有重要的现实指导意义。 本文主体内容分为三个部分: 第一部分,简要概述了人文关怀的基本内容。主要论述了人文关怀的基本概念、人文关怀的本质特征、人文关怀的主要原则和人文关怀的价值意义。 第二部分,深入分析了当前邮政工作的人文关怀。主要论述了什么是邮政工作人文关怀,邮政工作人文关怀的基本状况,以及邮政工作中人文关怀的理论价值和现实价值。 第三部分,有针对性地提出了加强我国邮政工作人文关怀的根本途径。主要是从提高邮政企业管理者的人文素质、优化邮政企业文化建设的人文环境和强化以人为本的邮政企业制度建设等三个方面具体展开。
[Abstract]:"strengthening and improving ideological and political work, paying attention to humanistic care and psychological guidance" is clearly put forward in the report of the 17th National Congress of the CPC, which is a reaffirmation of the "people-oriented" thought by the Party and the government, and a reflection of the importance attached to human values. "Humanities" has a long history of development in our country, and "Humanistic Care" has become the focus that modern enterprises must pay attention to. Man is the foundation of the enterprise. Only by fully paying attention to people, respecting people, fully realizing the value and freedom of human beings, can we greatly improve the enthusiasm of people's work and make the development of enterprises more healthy. Postal enterprises have experienced several changes in our country. With the development of social economy, postal enterprises should follow the trend, strengthen the degree of attention to people in postal work, and make postal work full of humanistic concern. To give the staff the status of ownership. However, the present situation of humanistic care in postal work in China is not so optimistic, and there are still many problems. Under this background, it is particularly necessary to study the humanistic care of postal work in China. According to the actual situation of postal work in China, it is also of great practical significance to put forward corresponding suggestions for improving postal work in China. The main content of this paper is divided into three parts: the first part, briefly outlines the basic content of humanistic care. This paper mainly discusses the basic concept of humanistic care, the essential characteristics of humanistic solicitude, the main principles of humanistic solicitude and the value significance of humanistic solicitude. The second part, in-depth analysis of the current postal work of humanistic care. This paper mainly discusses what is the humanistic care of postal work, the basic condition of humanistic care of postal work, and the theoretical and practical value of humanistic care in postal work. In the third part, the author puts forward the basic way to strengthen the humanistic care of postal work in China. It is mainly from three aspects: improving the humanistic quality of postal enterprise managers, optimizing the humanistic environment of postal enterprise culture construction and strengthening the construction of postal enterprise system based on people.


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