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发布时间:2019-04-12 14:24
[Abstract]:The profit model of software industry is selling goods and providing services. With the increasing complexity of economic innovation and transaction forms, the inadaptability between the current income criteria and the revenue recognition practice of software enterprises in China is deepening. It is difficult for software enterprises to identify the essence of software business economy and to judge the time point of revenue recognition. The adoption of the rights and obligations transfer model in the new international revenue guidelines, the recognition of revenue on the basis of contracts and the elimination of the division between the sale of goods and the provision of services will hopefully solve the problems in the recognition of revenue for software enterprises. It is necessary to analyze the problems existing in the revenue recognition of software enterprises in our country, and to discuss the application of the new international income standards in the recognition of software enterprises' income by comparing the new and old income criteria with the help of case studies. It is suggested that we should pay more attention to the frontier problem of revenue recognition brought about by emerging business, further improve the related concepts of revenue recognition, strengthen the construction of software business supervision standards and the cultivation of supervision talents, and improve the standard of income information disclosure.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学经济管理学院;


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