[Abstract]:Traditional telecom operators mainly rely on their own strong communication network to provide customers with voice communication, network interconnection, data transmission, videoconferencing, Internet access and other traditional telecommunications services. With the reorganization of telecom industry operators, the traditional telecommunications services provided by operators have become homogeneous, the development of traditional telecommunications services tends to slow down, but the competition among telecom operators is becoming more and more fierce. The application of the industry makes it possible for telecom operators to combine telecom business with information technology to provide comprehensive information solutions for customers. It integrates the products of operators into customer production or management processes, and provides impetus for customer development. At the same time, it also provides the possibility to promote the scale development of operator customers and maintain differentiated competitive advantages. Through the analysis of the industry application development of Changji Telecom, From the service support to the market expansion, this paper puts forward the corresponding concrete measures. The paper is divided into six chapters. In the first chapter, the development process of industry application and Changji telecom industry is briefly described, and then the general direction of application development of three operators in Changji area is explained in the second chapter. In the third chapter, the overall operation strategy and present situation of Changji telecom industry are summarized, and the problems existing in the existing operation situation are found out. According to the existing problems, the fourth chapter puts forward the concrete implementation measures on the application business development of Changji telecom industry, and the fifth chapter puts forward the concrete implementation measures on the construction of Changji telecom operation support system. The sixth chapter looks forward to the future development of telecom operators.
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