随着我国互联网的迅速发展以及普及,网络已经成为民众行使知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权的重要渠道,而网络民意自然成为官方了解民生、体察民意、推进民主的重要考虑因素。围绕社会热点焦点不足形成的网络民意反映了民众的愿望与呼声,表达了民众的利益诉求,对政府公共决策和政治体系的运行过程产生了深刻的影响。截止2009年底,我国以3.84亿的网民人数而位居世界网民规模第一,有近半数的网民认为网络是自己发表意见的主要渠道。随着网络的不断发展,网络民意已成为政府了解社情民意的重要窗口,也日益成为影响公共政策的重要力量。因此,我国互联网和网络民意的发展凸显了网络民意对公共决策影响的研究意 义。目前,我国网络民意影响公共决策的积极影响和消极影响并存。网络民意的非客观性等消极影响不足的存在将阻碍网络民意持续地对公共决策产生积极作用。网络民意的客观存在和我国缺乏对其客观有效地利用,成为了我国网络民意影响公共决策的主要矛盾。故此,在我国网络民意客观发展的关键时刻,研究网络民意对公共决策的影响不足,为有关方面提供政策倡议和相应依据,以寻求充分发挥网络民意在公共决策中的积极作用,规避其消极作用,具有很强的现实意 义。在研究思路上,论文在纵向和横向两个维度分别进行了我国网络民意发展的综合浅析浅析和国外网络民意影响公共决策对我国的启迪。因此,论文基于国外的发展对我国的启迪,来更加深入地探讨我国网络民意对公共决策的影响研究,以力求更为客观地提出我国网络民意影响公共决策的相关倡议。这在研究思路上具有了一种创新的意 义,也是本文尝试性的探索之一。本论文以网络民意对公共决策的影响为主线,由绪论、网络民意与公共决策、网路民意对公共决策的影响浅析浅析、国外网络民意影响公共决策的启迪和我国网络民意影响公共决策的改善倡议这五个部分构成主要结构。论文主要内容为以下几个方面:第一部分是绪论部分,主要考察了文章选题的背景,研究的目的及意 义,国内外对此方面的研究和探讨。第二部分,主要介绍了网络民意的概念,公共决策的概念,网络民意的发展及其特点,以及公共管理的特点。第三部分,主要浅析浅析网络民意如何对公共决策产生影响。首先说明网络民意表达的平台和类型;其次说明网络民意对公共决策产生影响的形式,产生舆论攻势,对相关主体产生影响;再次说明产生的积极影响和消极影响,以及各自产生的理由及结果。第四部分主要是说明国外如何对网络民意进行管理。本章在一般管理的基础上,揭示国外在这方面上对我国可借鉴的理念和做法。最后,主要得出对我国的两点启迪,即推动民主决策以及弘扬直接民主,从而期望对我国的公共决策提供相应的借鉴。第五部分是本文的重点,在基于前四章浅析浅析的基础上,得出网络民意对公共决策影响的改善意见。从七个方面提出相应的改善倡议:加强对网络民意的监管;建立和完善相关制度和规定;不断加强对主流网站的建设;强化技术手段的应用;引导网民提高素质;建立网络民意的获取机制以及国外的借鉴等,从而说明目前我国对网络民意的管理有哪些需要完善和改善的方面。
【Abstract】 As China’s rapid development and popularization of the Internet, the network has become the public exercise of the right to information, participation, expression, and supervise an important channel for the network of public opinion has naturally become an official understanding people’s livelihood, to observe the public and promoting the importance of democracy and factors to consider. Hot spots around the focal point of social network formation of public opinion reflects the wishes and voices of the people, expressing the interests of the public demands on public decision-making and running the political system had a profound impact. As of the end of 2009, China to 3.84 million Internet users in the number of Internet users in the world, the scale first and there is nearly half percent of China’s Internet users that the network is the main channel for their views. With the continuous development of the network, the network of public opinion has become the Government to understand social conditions and public opinion an important window, but also increasingly becoming an important force in influencing public policy. Therefore, China’s Internet and network development of public opinion highlights the network of public opinion research on the impact of public policy-making significance.At present, China’s network of public opinion influence public decision-making a positive impact and negative effects of co-existence. The network of public opinion of non-objectivity of the existence of such negative effects will hinder the network of public opinion continued to have a positive effect on public policy-making. The objective existence of the network of public opinion and our lack of its objective and effective use of China’s network has become the principal contradiction of public opinion influence public decision-making. Therefore, the objective in the development of China’s network of public opinion critical time to study the network of public opinion on public policy implications for the parties to provide policy advice and corresponding basis, to seek a full network of people active in public decision-making role, to avoid its negative effects, has a strong practical significance.The research ideas on paper in both vertical and horizontal dimensions respectively of the development of China’s network of public opinion and foreign network of comprehensive analysis of public opinion influence public decision-making on the Enlightenment. Therefore, the paper based on the development of China’s foreign inspiration, to more in-depth exploration of China’s network of public opinion on public policy-making impact studies, to try to make a more objective manner of China’s network of public opinion influence public decision-making relevant recommendations. This study of an innovative idea that has meaning, but also one of the paper attempts to explore nature.In this paper, a network of public opinion on public policy-making impact of the main line, from the introduction, the network of public opinion and public policy-making, the Internet influence public opinion on public policy analysis, foreign public opinion influence public policy-making network of inspiration and influence of China’s network of public opinion public policy-making recommendations for improvement This is the main structure of the five parts. Paper mainly to the following aspects:The first part is the Introduction section, the main topics of the article examine the background, purpose and significance of the study at home and abroad to study and explore this area.The second part mainly introduces the concept of the network of public opinion, the concept of public decision-making, network development and characteristics of public opinion, as well as the characteristics of public administration.PartⅢ, the main analysis of network people how public policy-making impact. First, the expression of public opinion indicates that the network platform and type; second indicates that the network of public opinion on public policy-making in the form of an impact, resulting in the media offensive, the main impact of related; once again that the positive and negative impacts, as well as their causes and results.PartⅣis to specify how the network of foreign public opinion management. This chapter on the basis of the general management, revealing in this respect abroad, our country can learn on the concept and practices. Finally, the main draw on China’s two inspirations, namely, the promotion of democratic decision-making as well as the promotion of direct democracy, and thus expectations of our public decision-making provides the corresponding reference.PartⅤis the focus of this paper, based on the analysis of the first four chapters based on the network obtained the impact of public opinion on public policy-making improvement. From the seven corresponding suggestions for improvement put forward:strengthening the supervision of public opinion on the network; establish and perfect the relevant systems and regulations; constantly strengthen the building of the mainstream sites; the strengthening of the application of technical means; to guide users to improve the quality of, networking mechanisms for public access to and abroad for reference and so on. At present, China can show that the network management of public opinion what needs improving and improving.
【关键词】 网络民意; 公共决策; 影响; 改善;【Key words】 network of public opinion; public policy-making; impact; improving;
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