本文选题:太平官 + 治吏 ; 参考:《领导科学》2014年28期
[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Central Committee of the Party, the party Central Committee has intensified its efforts in building a clean and honest party and in the struggle against corruption, insisting on fighting "tigers" and "flies" together, continuously leading the struggle against corruption to a deeper level, achieving remarkable results, and winning popular support. However, in the process of vigorous anti-corruption and the in-depth development of officials under strict control, some officials suffered from the strange disease of "inaction" and one after another opened the "self-protection mode," holding that "as long as nothing happened, they preferred not to do anything" and did not want to be strong enough. Only to get by "mentality, eliminate
【作者单位】: 西华师范大学政治学研究所;西华师范大学政治与行政学院;
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