[Abstract]:The material General Plant of Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is a production enterprise which mainly produces unshaped refractories and metallurgical raw and auxiliary materials. In recent years, it has invested tens of millions to build many production lines, and its equipment level is second to none among its counterparts in southwest China. It can produce over 100,000 tons of amorphous refractories and metallurgical raw and auxiliary materials needed by the iron and steel joint enterprise, and achieve annual sales income of more than 70 million yuan. With the expansion of enterprise business and scale, it is necessary to grasp the production and management information of the enterprise in time and analyze it scientifically and quickly in order to make the correct decision. With the rapid development of computer network, the wide application of database technology and the maturation of ERP,MIS,MRPII,DSS application, it is possible to establish a decision support system (DSS) in the general material factory. After investigating and analyzing the management system of domestic enterprises and Zhonggang Group, this paper designs and develops a management decision support system for material General Plant of Chongqing Iron and Steel Company based on Internet, which makes full use of database technology, software encryption technology and computer network technology. The main contents are as follows: 1 the mature management information systems of many enterprises are investigated and analyzed, the design idea of management information system of material general plant is drawn up, and the construction plan from top to bottom is determined. That is, from the decision support system. (2) according to the actual situation of the general material factory, the paper uses database technology and network technology to determine the basis of the high-level decision-making model of the enterprise, which includes the establishment and prediction of the market supply and demand relationship, the definition of the economic boundary of the production organization, and the definition of the economic boundary of the production organization. Economic evaluation of project investment, dynamic supervision of enterprise production cost and construction of enterprise database and network. 3Use Oracle data management system and SCO Unix operating system to ensure that the system has higher data processing ability, stability, security and I / O throughput. The design and development of the system is based on Windows platform. 5 using PC anywhere technology to realize the remote maintenance and service function of software.
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