发布时间:2019-05-23 09:37
【摘要】:正 “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,此政者风度;“敌人围困万千重,我自岿然不动”,此将者风度;“学而不厌,诲人不倦”,此师者风度;“君子爱财,取之有道”,此商者风度。风度,是众人梦寐以求的光环,是高品质与高水平的外化。领导者风度更是集中“待人态度、审事高度、办事力度、容人气度”四者于一体,惟博学、慎思、笃行方可获得。 一、风度——以态度为先 态度,是领导者世界观和人生
[Abstract]:It is "worry before the people worry, and then be happy after the people are happy", this political demeanor, "the enemy besieged thousands of times, I stand firm and motionless", this will be demeanor, "learn without tired, teach people tirelessly", this teacher's demeanor, this teacher's demeanour, the demeanor of this teacher, "A gentleman loves money and takes it with a way." this businessman has a demeanor. Demeanor, is the aura that everyone coveted, is high quality and high level externalization. Leader demeanor is a concentration of "attitude to others, height of trial, strength of work, tolerance" in one, only erudite, careful thinking, good practice can be obtained. First, demeanor-attitude first, is the world outlook and life of leaders.
[Abstract]:It is "worry before the people worry, and then be happy after the people are happy", this political demeanor, "the enemy besieged thousands of times, I stand firm and motionless", this will be demeanor, "learn without tired, teach people tirelessly", this teacher's demeanor, this teacher's demeanour, the demeanor of this teacher, "A gentleman loves money and takes it with a way." this businessman has a demeanor. Demeanor, is the aura that everyone coveted, is high quality and high level externalization. Leader demeanor is a concentration of "attitude to others, height of trial, strength of work, tolerance" in one, only erudite, careful thinking, good practice can be obtained. First, demeanor-attitude first, is the world outlook and life of leaders.