本文关键词:码头文化景观的规划设计研究 出处:《鲁迅美术学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Water is the important basis of human settlement way of life formation and continuation. The oceans, rivers, lakes and other surface water and well water, spring water and groundwater since ancient times is an important source of human food and drinking water. Since the agricultural civilization, the development of human society is not a lot of boiling water, through the waterway transport of goods, as the energy of the agricultural use of water, use water flow away, waste dilution and degradation in the production and life of human beings in the process, and the river itself as a good defensive barrier, constitute the important development boundary city. Living in the water is the basic law of human society living environment. And have some water related beautiful story in many large city in China, here about the unique regional characteristics of human landscape and generations of historical stories. Due to the familiar with water In the cognition, shoreline edge of the water transportation history is an important traffic hub port, in its drive to a rapid economic development and growth in the city, because of its formation and the emergence and development of it as highly the core competitiveness of the region, which led to the region's economy, logistics, tourism development these and other industries. In the famous port city, is the fundamental source of their terminal rise, so the pier has to represent the city's personality characteristics and inclusive culture, development is the integration of city and port, and with people's increasing material and non-material needs, there is great demand function for the terminal region and even the waterfront area, one of the diversified design requirements, for the dock area landscape is the priority among priorities, affected by the overall landscape effect of wharf landscape construction also need to constantly. L, ecological landscape as much as possible to create sustainable development, improve the competitiveness of the city, but also as a social product value for it. But in modern times since the industrial revolution the rapid development of industry and city expansion makes the regional economic transition pier increased year by year and promote the prosperity and development of the region, but also brought great pressure to the wharf. And serious damage to the original natural ecology, the terminal lost its own characteristics at the same time to bring the city benefits. Due to increased traffic, the original city pier to move outside the city boundary waters, causing the old pier vitality decline; also because there is no management, terminal deterioration of environment. But it seems to be did not cause the attention of people, in the transformation of the dock area and remodeling, often ignore its own characteristics without considering the natural and cultural implication in regional planning and design, The same do advocate blindly copy design, resulting in the disappearance of the coastline scenery. So in this paper explore and propose solutions, regional planning in the city pier, multi angle of landscape ecology and environment psychology in multidisciplinary analysis. On the basis of the relevant theory to explain new concept, regional culture landscape design and planning of remodeling wharf the new point of view, how to reproduce a city waterfront landscape coastline, making the city name card, the image of the city.
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