本文选题:中草药 切入点:采购 出处:《山东大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:At present, the reform of the medical and health industry in our country is deepening, and the related industries, such as logistics, computer, etc., have also developed greatly. Advanced management concepts have provided intellectual support for the efficiency improvement of the pharmaceutical industry, but because of the wide variety of drugs, The situation of suppliers varies and the level of drug management personnel is restricted, which leads to the difficulty of drug procurement and inventory management. How to formulate a reasonable drug management and purchase plan according to the hospital's own situation, Through retrospective research and comparative analysis, compared with other hospitals, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional Chinese medicine procurement process and existing procurement methods, and uses causality analysis to find out where the problem lies. Through the four steps of analyzing, reforming, testing and improving the original purchasing method, the author designs a new purchasing model, improves the purchasing algorithm, introduces the sales forecast and computer aid, and makes the purchasing method more scientific. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part is the introduction, mainly describes the background of this paper. This paper analyzes the shortcomings in the procurement process and mode of traditional Chinese medicine in our hospital at present, introduces the purchasing concepts and modes of related industries at home and abroad. Through the analysis, the paper puts forward the problem of using causality analysis method to find out the existing problems. Then the problem is analyzed and improved to solve the problem. The second part describes the basic theory needed to design the new drug procurement process, including causality analysis, prediction and PDCA cycle theory. Through collecting, analyzing the data, applying the forecast principle, calculating the purchase quantity, designing, executing and checking the purchasing behavior through the PDCA cycle, we can find out the situation, the demand, the insufficiency and the target of the purchase, and find out the way to solve the problem. The third part is the research content of this paper. Through the concrete analysis of the situation and demand of our hospital, the software design principle, design goal, design flow, and programming through VBA are determined. Through the comparison of the software before and after the use of the software, it is shown that the software has improved the drug procurement work. Through the PDCA cycle, the software has been continuously improved to meet the needs of hospital Chinese medicine procurement. Part 4th is the discussion part. This paper describes the improvement of hospital procurement level after the use of traditional Chinese medicine procurement software; the continuous improvement of the software through the PDCA cycle; the impact on hospital drug management after the software is put into use. This paper introduces computer-aided and predictive techniques into the field of drug procurement management, and combines causality analysis, prediction technology and PDCA cycle improvement theory to improve the original purchasing methods, which can improve the level of drug management in hospitals. The improvement of purchasing method is discussed and discussed to a certain extent, which has strong reference function and value.
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