本文选题:铁路货运 切入点:比价关系 出处:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform of freight transport, China's railways have gradually moved to the market, and railway freight is also changing to modern logistics. In particular, the government has relaxed the control of railway freight rates and allowed railway transport enterprises to set prices independently under the guidance of the government. It has greatly promoted the marketization of railway. At the same time, the government has also proposed that the formulation of freight price of the national railway should refer to the reasonable price comparison with the highway (document No. 33 of Guofa [2013]), which pointed out the direction for the marketization reform of railway freight rate. In the actual pricing process of railway enterprises, there are some problems, such as the large amount of information related to the decision making of freight rates, the disconnection of information transmission between departments, and the relatively cumbersome process of establishing and approving the freight rates of enterprises. Finally, it causes the complexity and lag of railway freight pricing, increases the cost of enterprise management and reduces the market competitiveness. Therefore, how to realize the high efficiency of decision information management and the information and intelligence of price making, This paper mainly studies the analysis, design and construction of the auxiliary decision system for railway freight transport price in China. First of all, it studies the public, iron and water at home and abroad. This paper makes a systematic comparative analysis of the research progress of the freight information management system of the four empty transportation modes and the auxiliary decision system of pricing and price adjustment, and establishes the research contents, methods and technical routes of the paper. Secondly, Based on the analysis of the current situation of railway freight pricing in China, combined with the main pricing strategies and problems since the railway freight reform in China, the railway pricing model algorithm used in the target system is determined. Based on the traffic and transportation efficiency, this paper constructs a highway and railway price comparison model, selects 12 performance indexes to compare the highway and railway transport, and uses the fixed assets investment ratio of various transportation modes as the correction coefficient to revise the calculation results. Finally, the proportional relationship of freight freight price is obtained. Then, combining with the investigation and analysis of the enterprise demand, the paper makes a more comprehensive analysis of the target system's functional requirements, non-functional requirements, system use cases, business processes, data processes, etc. Then, on the basis of system analysis, the structure, function module and database of the target system are designed and constructed in detail. Finally, the system development is completed, and the user information management of the system is realized. The functions of basic data management, data statistical analysis, auxiliary price decision and risk early warning management provide technical tools and decision support for the establishment of freight price for railway transportation enterprises.
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