本文选题:变论域 + 模糊PID ; 参考:《河南工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Vertical silo is an ideal facility for storing grain and other bulk materials for a long time. It not only has good mechanical automation, convenient and efficient access, but also has no contact with the ground and will not be disturbed by surface temperature.After long term use of silos, due to the difference of internal and external temperature and the influence of microorganism, there will be a certain amount of materials on the side wall, which can not flow to the bottom under the action of gravity, which will not only hinder the material flow, but also affect the quality of the material.Because the silo interior is a closed storage environment with unstructured characteristics, it is highly dangerous to clean up the materials of board junction, so this subject intends to use robot to clean up the materials on the side wall of vertical silo.Based on the research of the structure and characteristics of the opposite silo, the hoisting robot is used to put the feed port vertically over the silo.In the process of cleaning, the robot not only moves vertically under the action of gravity and sling, but also rotates along the circumference direction under the traction of the sling, and strips the plate material from the side wall through the cleaning actuator mounted on the telescopic manipulator.Because the structure of the vertical silo cleaning robot designed in this paper is more complicated,It is necessary to establish a precise mathematical structure model of multi-body dynamics. Adams is a design and analysis software which applies the mechanism of system dynamics to the modeling of multi-body dynamics mechanical system.In this paper, ADAMS and MATLAB/SIMULINK are used to simulate various control schemes of the system.In ADAMS, the dynamic system of robot with variable topology, including cantilever, operating arm and sling, is constructed by using Solids module, and the finite segment model of sling which meets the requirements of accuracy and efficiency is determined by comparing calculation.In view of the characteristics of nonlinear and underactuated motion mode in the process of motion, the control method of the cleaning robot is studied systematically because of the suspension control by slings.On the basis of classical PID control, this paper first verifies the controllability of the robot model and the feasibility of using suspension method to clean the robot. Secondly, according to the problems found in the analysis and calculation, the PID parameters can not be adjusted.Based on the classical PID control, a variable domain self tuning fuzzy Pi control method is designed.According to the characteristics of robot nonlinear underactuation control, the control effect of different control methods on cleaning robot model is analyzed and compared from the simulation results, and the system parameters are optimized.Finally, the rotation control of the robot is realized, and the corresponding conclusions are given.The research results of this paper have certain reference significance for the control system with flexible drive.
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