[Abstract]:Nowadays, the Internet of things is widely used in many fields, such as environmental monitoring, smart home, smart grid, express logistics, health care, food traceability, wearable devices and so on. With the advent of the Internet of things era, it has become a reality that people can get personalized data information at any time and anywhere through the network devices, and make information feedback and corresponding decision-making according to the needs. In the three layers of the Internet of things, there are different access standards for heterogeneous sensors in the sensing layer, and different data formats are obstacles to the development of the application layer. In order to solve the problem of heterogeneous sensor access, to establish a unified data format, to achieve open and shared data. This paper proposes an intelligent sensor network service platform based on REST architecture, designs a network intelligent node as the gateway model of perception layer, models the resource data, and realizes the unified and open RESTful Web API, based on the research of the Internet of things. Based on the research of heterogeneous sensors and intelligent gateway of access layer, the data resources are analyzed, and the data format is unified through abstract modeling. Based on the research of REST architecture style Web Service, the open interface of service platform is designed to realize the two-way real-time data interaction between device layer and application layer. This paper summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of the intelligent sensor network service platform in order to promote the long-term development of the Internet of things.
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