[Abstract]:Based on the provincial panel data from 2002 to 2013 in China, a dynamic panel model is established, and the consumption effect of ecommerce economy is investigated by using the generalized moment estimation (SYS-GMM) method. It is found that the development of ecommerce economy in China has significantly improved the overall consumption scale, promoted cross-regional consumption agglomeration and widened the urban-rural consumption gap, and this effect can be realized through the mechanism of widening the urban-rural income gap. The above three consumption effects all show certain regional heterogeneity, especially in the central and western regions. This paper systematically investigates the consumption effect of ecommerce economic development, especially in two aspects: the effect of consumption agglomeration and the effect of urban-rural consumption gap. The conclusions of this paper provide empirical evidence for promoting consumption growth to identify another way to develop ecommerce economy to release consumption potential, and to build regional e-commerce consumer agglomeration center. In order to realize the convergence of the consumption gap between urban and rural residents, this paper clarifies the promotion direction of ecommerce economic income sharing.
【作者单位】: 湘潭大学商学院;湘潭大学社会主义经济理论研究中心;
【基金】:国家社科基金重大项目(12&ZD049) 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX2017B242) 湘潭大学研究生暑期社会实践调研项目的资助
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