[Abstract]:In catenary power supply lines, insulators play an important role in maintaining the safety and stability of transmission lines. With the continuous progress of the times, the railway logistics transportation is increasingly developed. Around the freight yard, the pollution in the air is becoming more and more complex and the pollution degree is becoming higher and higher, which seriously affects the safety work of the power supply and transmission system. In this paper, the pollution of contact net insulators in low temperature and high pollution areas is investigated, and the pollution components are analyzed. The dry ice cleaning method is chosen to clean insulators by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various cleaning methods under low temperature and high pollution conditions. The overall scheme of dry ice cleaning device is designed, including track flat car, dry ice cleaning executive mechanism, dry ice cleaning system and accessories. The dry ice spray gun was designed. The flow field and particle characteristics of the dry ice spray gun were studied by Fluent, and the geometric parameters were optimized by the Taguchi method. The cleaning parameters of the spray gun are studied, the influence of each parameter on the cleaning effect of dry ice is determined, and the optimization design of the dry ice cleaning parameters is carried out. (1) the background of the subject is analyzed and studied, and the cleaning parameters are at low temperature. The surrounding environment of catenary insulators in highly polluted areas is investigated, analyzed, pollution components are analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of various cleaning methods in low temperature and high pollution environment are analyzed. The cleaning mode is determined as dry ice cleaning mode. (2) the requirements of catenary cleaning operation are analyzed, and the overall scheme of dry ice cleaning device is designed, including the design of walking mechanism, executing mechanism, spray gun module and system, The main components are selected and the insulation safety of the device is analyzed. (3) the dry ice spray gun is designed. By using Fluent simulation, the influence of spray gun geometry parameters on the flow field and particle characteristics of the spray gun is studied. The optimization of the spray gun geometry parameters is carried out in combination with the Taguchi method, and the optimal geometry structure of the spray gun inner cavity is determined to meet the requirements of the subject. The characteristics of the three dimensional flow field of the spray gun are studied and the cross section structure of the spray gun is determined. (4) the cleaning parameters are studied and the flow field of the spray gun is simulated by Fluent to study the inlet pressure and the flow rate of dry ice. The influence of the input parameters of dry ice cleaning equipment, such as diameter and length of dry ice particles, on the flow field and particle characteristics of the spray gun is studied. The optimum input parameters of the cleaning equipment are designed and the optimum input parameters are designed. The influence of cleaning distance and gun moving speed on cleaning effect was studied.
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