[Abstract]:In recent years, the implementation of relevant national policies has promoted the rapid development of hydropower industry. The construction effect of hydropower development project depends on the effective operation of material supply chain to a great extent. Because the location of hydropower development project is more remote, the material needed is often purchased and transported across regions, and the uncertainty of material supply and demand is great, the railway transit reserve system is very important as the material hub in the material supply chain. At present, scheduling plans in the operation and management of transit reserve system are usually made according to experience. It is of great practical significance to use optimization theory to study them to improve their operational efficiency. Based on the material supply chain of hydropower development engineering in China, this paper deeply analyzes the operation process of railway transit reserve system, and selects the material entry stage which needs to be improved urgently to optimize the operation efficiency. The essence of material entry management is to carry on the logistics dispatch to the arriving freight car. According to the different decision type, the freight car logistics scheduling problem is decomposed into two sub-problems: the freight car grouping and the order arrangement of the freight car in the group; Then, aiming at minimizing the time of truck pressure station and minimizing the unloading time of freight car group, the mathematical optimization models of the two sub-problems are established respectively, considering the difference of different locomotive resource scheduling modes in the description of freight car grouping sub-problem. Based on the mathematical optimization model, a three-stage optimal scheduling method is designed based on 0-1 linear programming and heuristic algorithm. Select the actual operation data of a transfer station, carry on the dispatch optimization calculation experiment, obtain the freight car logistics scheduling optimization scheme and analyze the result. The experimental results show that the total time of freight car pressure station is better than the actual situation and the efficiency of locomotive resource allocation is higher in the two locomotive dispatching modes after the optimization of the two locomotive dispatching modes by the method proposed in this paper, and between the two modes, the total time of truck pressure station is better than that of the actual situation. In most cases the general mode scheduling scheme performs better and it is found by analysis that the bottleneck of this kind of transfer and reserve system in the phase of material entry and unloading exists in the phase of pairwise unloading.
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