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发布时间:2016-06-30 22:05




近两年,我国汽车市场得到了高速发展,2003年以及预计的2004年的汽车产业的发展速度都要远远高于、快于我国国民经济的发展速度。目前,我国汽车消费占全球汽车消费的7.5%,已成为世界第三大汽车消费国。 汽车消费需求的强劲增长,带动了汽车产量的快速增加,为我国汽车物流行业的迅速崛起提供了前所未有的发展机遇。 当今中国汽车市场群雄四起,品牌林立,竞争趋于白热化。汽车市场竞争取胜的决定因素己不只是品牌、产品质量。产品的生命周期在缩短,市场的需求难以预测,汽车销售价格的连连下跌,使汽车市场的竞争变成了企业供应链的竞争,企业差异化的供应链管理成为市场竞争取得胜利的关键。做为企业供应链的一个重要组成部分,整车销售物流的管理对汽车市场竞争的胜败起着不可忽视的作用。 但我国汽车生产企业的整车物流体系较发达国家存在很大差距,具体表现为以下两个主要方面: 成本过高,存在较大下降空间; 整车销售物流的服务水平低;难以形成差异化的竞争优势; 本文通过对我国汽车市场的竞争特点和一汽-大众公司整车销售物流产业的现行状况的详尽浅析浅析,推断出一汽-大众销售有限责任公司的整车销售物流管理系统存在的不足,并提出了具体的解决方案。 a)缺乏对销售物流管理系统的整体规划; 第1点,从97年一汽-大众销售有限责任公司成立至今,其整车销售物流管理系统一直沿用一汽轿车公司的运作模式,没有一个整体规划。吉林大学硕士学位论文造成管理费用增加、管理层次多、管理效率低、管理人员素质低、物流服务水平低等非常不利的运行状态。所以必须对是否外包给第三方物流公司还是自营物流作出选择。 方案选择的决定因素主要有两个,一个是整车销售物流对企业成功的影响程度和一汽一大众公司自己对物流的管理能力。从一汽一大众公司十多年的合资管理经验以及当前的汽车市场的竞争形势可知,必须采取自营物流的运做方式。这样做最大的优点就是可以降低销售物流成本,有利于公司的供应链的一体化管理,而且可以借助合资企业多年的管理经验搞好整车物流的区域市场的差异化增值服务。推动市场销售。 第二点,销售公司至今还没有集订单收集、订单处理、资源分驳、库存管理、物流规划、发运计划、分驳渠道建设功能为一体的部门,储运部一直和销售部处于分离状态。严重影响销售物流的整体规划,由于环节增加,考虑不建全面,造成运输计划制定的不充分、不科学、不合理。所以应该使销售公司的储运部与销售部进行内部职能整合,以提高效率,完善供应链的一体化管理。 b)缺乏对物流服务管理重要性的认识 随着我国汽车市场竞争的日趋残酷激烈,,销费呈个性化、多样化的特性,企业面临着缩短交货期,提高产品质量和减低成本的压力,商品在进入成熟期后,顾客对于商品的比较不仅仅放在质量方面,而更侧重于伴随商品购买所得到的服务,差异化增值服务在顾客决策中已占据重要地位。 整车销售物流的一F端顾客就是一汽一大众特许经销商,为经销商服务水平的高低,直接影响经销商的市场竞争能力,从而影响一汽一大众公司的企业竞争力,因为公司的销售业绩的好坏全部依赖于全国经销商的市场竞争力。吉林大学硕士学位论文 本文结合一汽一大众整车销售物流的管理状况,阐明了现行工作中存在的需要改善、完善的薄弱环节。主要有以下几个方面: 》为充分了解客户需求开展的物流服务的满意度调查; 》为缩短到货周期,提高经销商资金利用率而进行的区域储运中心的规划建设; 》为保证商品车质量,完善整车物流环节商品车质量的闭环管理; 》为重点市场经销商开展的特殊优质服务; 》以市场、客户为导向的销售物流客户服务信息管理系统的建立; 》为保障客户服务流程高质量运行的考核管理办法的完善: 》为最终用户提供的优质现场交接车服务; 本文对如何完善上述方面的工作,进行了全方面的详细论述。关键词:供应链管理整车销售物流管理差异化增值服务 顾客服务成本制约

【Abstract】 In past two years, our automobile market has expanded rapidly. The development of our automobile industry in 2003 and in 2004 far surpasses that of the national economy at the speed. At present, China is the third, accounting for 7.5%, on the list of global top consumption of automobiles.The overwhelming increase in consumption of autos brings along the increase in auto output, which provides the opportunity for auto logistics industry in China.Nowadays, the competition on the auto market is increasingly furious, as so many auto manufacturers show up with dozen of branded cars. The decisive factors to get achievement in the competition on the auto market are no longer what the brands are and how the product’s quality is. The short life cycle of a product, the difficulty to predict the market requirement and continually falling price of autos have changed the auto-market competition into the supply chains competition between the enterprises. The auto distribution logistic management as an important part of the supply chains in an enterprise plays an import roll in the success in the auto-market competitions.Compared with the developed countries, however, there exists a big difference in the auto distribution logistics in the auto manufacturers, mainly following 2 aspects:1. To high cost: more space to drop;2. Bad service of auto distribution logistics: hard to get an advantage of difference competition.Through the characteristics of the competition on the auto market and the detail analysis of the present status of auto distribution logistics industry of FAW-Volkswagen Company, this paper points out some problems existing in the auto distribution logistics management in FAW-Volkswagen Company and comes up with some concrete solutions.I.The lack of the holistic plan for auto distribution logistics managementThe first of all, since founded in 1997, FAW-Volkswagen Company has been applying the auto distribution logistic management system of the complete automobile according to the operating version of FAW-Car Company without the holistic plan which results in increasing the expense of the management, overlapping management, low efficiency of management, poor qualities of managers and bad logistic service, extra. So it is time to make a decision whether to employ the other logistics company to engage in or self-engage in the logistics.There are 2 main factors to make a decision. One is the effect of the auto distribution logistic management on the achievement of the enterprise and the other is the management ability that FAW-Volkswagen Company possesses. We should take the means of the self-engaged-in logistics in the light of the over-10-year management experience in the joint venture of FAW-Volkswagen Company. The biggest advantage of that is to drop the cost of sales logistics, and is good for the incorporate management of the company’s supply chains, and also, with the help of the rich management experience of the joint venturewe can do the benefit service of the difference of the complete auto logistics in the different market areas, and promote the sales.The second is that now the sales company fails to have such a department whose function should be all in one, that is, collection and disposition of orders, arrangement of the sources, management of the stock, logistics plans, and delivery plan. The substorage and transportation department and the sales department are in split condition, which have a bad effect on the holistic plan for the sales logistics. Because of too more sectors and less consideration, it is not plenary, scientific and reasonable to make a plan for the transportation as a result. The substorage and transportation department and sales department of the sales company should to be combined in inner-functions to increase the efficiency and improve the incorporate management for the supply chains. II. The lack of the realization of the importance to the service management of logistics.With the cruel and severe competition on the auto market, the expenses take on individuation and diversificat

【关键词】 供应链管理; 整车销售物流管理; 差异化增值服务; 顾客服务; 成本制约;
【Key words】 supply chain management; auto distribution logistics management; difference-value-added service; customer service; cost control;

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  • 上一篇文章: 快速消费品物流市场探讨

  • 下一篇文章: 城市物流发展模式的探讨与应用

  •   本文关键词:一汽—大众销售有限责任公司整车销售物流管理工作流程的再造,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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