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发布时间:2016-08-13 09:00


现代医院物流管理与内部控制制度设计探讨 邱学福 摘 要 医院内环境下的物流管理以及内部控制制度设计是当前大中型医院管理中面临的新课题,随着医院规模的不断扩大,新的诊疗手段的不断出现,传统的物流管理模式和内部控制制度就显得有些滞后,因此,探讨一个比较科学、规范、实用管理模式和管理制度就显得尤为重要,本文借助卫生材料阐述了医院物资在购、管、用等环节的物流管理和内部控制制度设计的相关问题。 关键词 医院 物流管理 内部控制 中图分类号 文献标识码 文章编号 Modern hospital logistics management and internal control system design/QIU Xue Fu Abstract Within the hospital environment, logistics management and internal control system design is the management of large and medium-sized hospitals face a new task, with the size of the hospital expansion and new means of diagnosis and treatment of emerging and traditional model of logistics management and internal control system A bit behind, so to explore a more scientific, standardized management and utility management system is particularly important, the use of health information in this article on the hospital in the procurement of goods and materials, management, use the link in the logistics management and internal controls related to the design of the system. Key wordshospital Logistics Management internal control system First-author’s addresss yishui central hospital of Linyi City ,Shandong,linyi,276400,china 随着医疗技术飞速发展和医院规模的不断扩大,,医院内部的物流管理也发生了巨大的变化,各种诊疗耗材品种繁杂、涉及面广、技术含量高且贵重高值,几乎遍及医疗诊疗的全部过程,传统的物流管理模式和内部控制制度的不足日益显现,因此,设计一套与之相适应的物流管理系统和内部控制制度,形成一种约





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