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发布时间:2018-01-20 16:24

  本文关键词: 农村环境 连片整治 后评价 出处:《华侨大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of rural economy, environmental problems in rural areas become increasingly prominent. Environmental problems in rural areas are urgent and urgent to solve. The main characteristics of environmental pollution in rural areas are wide and dispersed. Multi-source and difficult to control, environmental regulation has a strong joint-impact, the development of centralized strip treatment can achieve significant results. In 2010, China started the national rural environmental regulation demonstration. In order to further improve the quality of rural human settlements and the production and living conditions of farmers, Shishi has fully realized the coordinated development of rural economy, society and environment. The implementation of "the rural environmental rehabilitation project in Meigang district, Yongning town, Shishi". The post-evaluation of the construction project is to evaluate the purpose, process and benefit of the project after the project has been completed and put into operation. The function and influence are comprehensive and scientific. Objective evaluation and analysis. And after the completion of the construction of the rural environmental rehabilitation project evaluation is mainly to evaluate the effectiveness of the project and existing problems. Therefore, the post-project evaluation is mainly for the improvement of the project. Better allocate limited resources to the project. The government or relevant departments can use the results of the evaluation study to make decisions and take wise administrative measures. This paper takes the rural environmental rehabilitation project of Meigang Yongning Town, Shishi City as the research object. On the basis of the theory of project post-evaluation, this paper analyzes the realization of project objectives, project investment control, project process control, project management and project impact. To evaluate the effectiveness of the rural environmental rehabilitation project in Meigang district of Yongning Town, Shishi City, and to provide the basis for the subsequent management and maintenance of the project. It provides the scientific basis for the establishment and construction of the rural environmental continuous improvement project in the future.


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