本文关键词: 集团客户信息化项目 Web应用程序 B/S架构 C#开发语言 ASP.NET技术 SOL Server数据库 出处:《内蒙古大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着互联网时代的到来,中国移动的市场组成结构也随之发生着变化,微信、网络电话等新兴通讯手段的出现导致中国移动的传统语音通话业务、短彩信业务等的收入在近几年逐步呈现了下滑趋势。与此同时集团客户信息化的收入成为了一个新的增长点。鄂尔多斯移动分公司作为中国移动内蒙古有限公司集团客户信息化收入的主力军,近几年连续保持着全区信息化收入贡献的“冠军”。但是,基于原有传统OA邮件办公的管理方式已不能高效支撑集团信息化项目的管理工作。因此,客户响应工程管理平台应运而生。通过对鄂尔多斯移动分公司集团客户信息化项目管理工作现状的调研,从简化工作流程、提升工作效率出发开展客户响应工程管理平台的开发工作。该系统的开发用Visual Studio.NET作为开发工具,采用常用的B/S架构搭建系统结构,并选用C#作为开发语言,选用ASP. NET、WEB SERVICE等作为核心开发技术,选用SQL Server数据库进行底层的数据管理与处理。该系统能够将项目全过程的信息进行统一管理,实现项目的录入、修改、查询,以及使项目各流程环节的管理由人工化趋向于自动化、智能化。通过系统客户经理能够方便查看项目信息,管理人员能够轻松管理庞大的项目数据信息,同时项目各环节之间可以高效的交互数据。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the Internet era, the market structure of China Mobile has also changed. The emergence of new means of communication, such as WeChat, Internet phone, has led to China Mobile's traditional voice call business. In recent years, the revenue of short MMS business has gradually shown a downward trend. At the same time, the income of group customer informatization has become a new growth point. Ordos Mobile Branch as China Mobile Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd. Group customer information income of the main force. In recent years, it has maintained the "champion" of the contribution of the whole region's informatization income. However, the management method based on the original traditional OA mail office can no longer support the management of the information project of the group efficiently. Customer response engineering management platform came into being. Through the investigation of the current situation of customer information project management in Ordos Mobile Branch Group, the workflow is simplified. The development of customer response engineering management platform is carried out based on improving working efficiency. Visual Studio.NET is used as the development tool for the development of the system. Using the commonly used B / S architecture to build the system structure, and choose C # as the development language, choose ASP. Net Web SERVICE as the core development technology. The SQL Server database is used to manage and process the underlying data. The system can manage the whole process information of the project and realize the input, modify and query of the project. Through the system account manager can easily view the project information, the manager can easily manage the huge project data information. At the same time, each link of the project can interact with each other efficiently.
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