本文关键词: 项目管理 图书出版 项目经理 图书项目团队 出处:《出版广角》2017年16期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:With the wide application of project management in various industries, the book publishing project management has become a new research hotspot in the publishing field of our country. This paper, based on the theory of project management and the practice of book publishing, expounds the position of book project manager. Roles and responsibilities, as well as the awareness that they should have, and the key elements of building a project team from the point of view of the need for project team building, In order to better meet the needs of the book market and break through the traditional publishing mode, this paper analyzes how to build the book project team with the project manager as the center of the project manager in three aspects: the ability of the project manager as the center of the team. The establishment of a new model of publishing house internal management provides a reference.
【作者单位】: 机械工业出版社;
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