[Abstract]:In the daily operation and development of the enterprise, project management can help the enterprise manage the progress, cost and quality of the project, which plays an important role as a widely used management method. Only through project management can financial, human and material resources be better controlled. Project schedule management is to arrange the sequence of project activities reasonably and monitor them in real time under the given resource constraints and timing constraints in order to achieve the optimization goal of shortening the duration of the project. In practice, the project schedule management can affect the financial situation of the project and the consumption of resources on the premise of ensuring that the project is completed on schedule or even ahead of schedule. With the aggravation of the competition among enterprises, the completion time of the project is required to be reduced continuously, and the problem of resources becomes more and more prominent, so it is very important to study the problem of resource constraint on the progress of the project. In the introduction part, this paper introduces the research background, significance, methods and so on. Then, this paper makes a detailed review of the research work done by domestic and foreign scholars on the progress of resource-constrained projects. On this basis, this paper establishes a RCPSP model which aims at "minimizing the sum of the completion periods of all projects" and "minimizing the duration of the longest project". Combining with the project schedule of Anji logistics intelligent scheduling system, the model is solved, the solutions of RCPSP model with different objectives are obtained, and the results of the two models are compared. In addition, the resource utilization rate and project completion time under different resource quantity are also discussed. When the resources are too abundant, the resource utilization can be improved by reducing the amount of the resources, and the completion time is not long. The research results show that the research of resource constrained project schedule can bring some theoretical significance to project schedule management. It will play a certain practical significance to apply the solution method of resource constrained project problem to the concrete project schedule management.
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