[Abstract]:At present, in view of the particularity of electric power industry and its important position in the process of national strategic development, the management of power plant project needs not only technical compliance, but also improving efficiency and obtaining good engineering quality. In the current situation of economic structure transformation and industrial upgrading, the sustainable and stable development of power market will face greater challenges, the problems of power plant project management will be more prominent, opportunities and challenges will continue to increase; In the expanding power market, how to ensure the smooth progress of each project has become a new problem to be solved urgently, and how to design a more scientific and effective project management system, And to achieve better contract management is a necessary and urgent task in the electric power industry. In view of the fact that the information management system of our country is far from that of the developed countries, this paper puts forward a kind of information management system to assist the project management of power plant project. Project Management system of Power Plant based on Case-Based reasoning. Firstly, this paper discusses the connotation and function of power plant project management mechanism, analyzes the present situation of power plant project management, and puts forward that engineering enterprises should establish a perfect and feasible intelligent project management system as soon as possible, at the same time, Based on the comprehensive analysis of the role of the current emergency management information system in the decision-making of power plant project management, and in view of the current demand situation of the project management system which is difficult to use efficiently, This paper puts forward the application of CBR and network communication technology to the power plant project management system to realize the cluster management and efficient utilization of the existing resources. Secondly, based on the analysis of the technical advantages of Case-Based reasoning (CBR) and the current situation of its efficient and extensive use in various decision support systems, the application prospect of Case-Based reasoning (CBR) in the construction of power plant project management system is pointed out. Then, the function design and code implementation of the project management system based on CBR are carried out. Because the core problem of project management is contract management, the project management system based on contract management is designed and implemented. The project management system designed and implemented can not only store the contracts and events related to the project in the system case base, but also use the network communication technology to realize the working mode of inter-factory cooperation. When the case-based reasoning method is integrated into the power plant project management system, it is based on the previous cases in the case base. After retrieval and reuse, a large number of alternative solutions can be provided to support decision makers to make a series of response decisions in a short period of time in dealing with unexpected events and to provide corresponding processing solutions. Improve management level and work efficiency of managers.
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