[Abstract]:In the enterprise development, the enterprise culture construction project management not only supports the enterprise spirit development, leads the enterprise development value idea, but also has the extremely development significance from the enterprise long-term strategic management angle. In view of this, in the development of enterprises, it is necessary to establish the development mechanism of enterprise culture construction project management, to build a healthy, excellent and vigorous culture adapted to the development of enterprises, so as to promote the development and growth of enterprises. In the introduction, the background and research methods of the thesis are expounded. Then in the second chapter, the related theories of corporate culture are summarized. In the third chapter, the overall framework of the enterprise culture construction project management in Liaohe Oilfield is explained, which forms the overall design of the enterprise culture innovation scheme in Liaohe Oilfield. The fourth chapter analyzes the current situation of enterprise culture construction project management and the problems and shortcomings in the process, and takes measures to solve the problems. The fifth chapter analyzes the implementation measures of the enterprise culture construction project management of the "three colors Liaohe", and then discusses the specific measures. Finally, the paper summarizes the innovation points, and points out the limitations of the paper and the next step need to be improved.
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