[Abstract]:Objective to understand the present situation of basic public health services in rural areas in a certain county of Hunan Province, explore the difficulties and shortcomings of basic public health services in rural areas, and put forward corresponding countermeasures. Methods the relevant policy documents, annual report, annual assessment and annual summary report of basic public health service in rural areas were collected. And through the symposium and key people interviews and sample surveys to obtain relevant information. Results the implementation of basic public health services in the county was well organized, the project funds did not meet the requirements of the state, the construction of basic health service personnel lagged behind, and the funds were not in place in time. 79.6% of health archives, 84.0% of qualified files; 98.4% of vaccination coverage rate; 94.7% of medical examination rate of the elderly, 34.6% of standardized management rate; 93.2% of neonatal visit rate and 90.1% of child management rate; 93.3% of antenatal service rate, 75.3% of postpartum visit rate and 0.03% of follow-up rate; The standardized management rates of pressure and diabetes were 49.3% and 55.4%, respectively. The control rate of blood sugar was about 55%, the standardized management rate of severe mental illness was 64.7%, and the stable rate of illness was 71.4%. Conclusion the basic public health project in this county has achieved certain results, but the proportion that accords with the project service standard is low, the service quality is not high, the fund is insufficient, the allocation is lagged, the service ability is poor, and so on. It is suggested that all departments should raise their awareness, ensure that funds are fully funded, be in place in a timely manner, strengthen the staffing of grass-roots services, standardize service processes, promote the information process, and improve the supervision system and performance appraisal system. The process of promoting equalization of basic public health services.
【作者单位】: 南华大学公共卫生学院;祁东县卫生和计划生育局;
【基金】:湖南省卫生和计划生育委员会资助项目(No:B2013-036) 衡阳市科技局资助项目(No:2012ks7)
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