[Abstract]:Constructability (Constructability) research, according to the definition of American Construction Industry Association, refers to the full use of some previous knowledge and experience gained through construction work in project planning, design, procurement and plant operation, etc. Thus effectively reduces the project cost, speeds up the project progress, thus ensures the project overall goal realization. The constructability examination means that through various experts, the planning, design, procurement and operation of the whole project are fully studied and analyzed, and some schemes for improving the design are discussed, so as to reduce the cost of the whole project. Or make the design of the final solution more convenient for the end-user process. The research shows that if some construction experience and methods can be incorporated into the project planning and design in the early stage of the project, it will have a great impact on the cost saving of the project. In other words, the sooner the project establishes and implements the constructability plan and the sooner the constructability review is carried out, the greater the potential benefits of the project will be in the future. Therefore, the constructability review of design should be regarded as one of the key tasks in the design stage, which plays an important role in saving the project cost and ensuring the progress of the project. This paper introduces some experiences of constructability examination in the post-construction project. I hope it will be helpful for us to carry out similar work.
【作者单位】: 中国石化工程建设公司
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