[Abstract]:Reviewing the reform course of China's sports project management system and national individual sports association, it has experienced three different stages of development: exploring pilot projects, promoting and stagnating in an all-round way. As the national administration of social organizations becomes more and more standardized, especially the "isomorphism" system between the project management center and the single sports association "one organization, two brands", There are some outstanding problems in the management: 1) the direct intervention to the national sports associations is excessive and the micro management is too detailed; 2) the boundary of responsibility between the project center and the individual association is not clear, the relationship position is not clear; 3) the internal management of the association is not standardized; 4) the association has no independent account number problem, and the management of the sports social organization has been perplexed for a long time. Based on the above reasons, according to the reform goal of establishing a modern social organization system of "separation of government and society, clear power and responsibility, autonomy according to law" proposed by the Central Committee, and combined with the actual situation of national sports associations, The reform of national sports associations from isomorphism to decoupling has been put on the agenda. It is suggested that the General Administration of physical Education should adopt the principle of "overall design, classified guidance, step by step promotion and supporting reform", and deepen the reform of national sports associations step by step and steadily. Further improve the internal governance structure of sports associations and improve the ability of public service and the level of management
【作者单位】: 国家体育总局;
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