发布时间:2019-03-04 18:54
【摘要】:企业的一次培训常常用一个项目来操作;成功的关键除了要有完整的项目管理流程,更重要的是培训师的选择与培养。然而,我国咨询行业的发展却面临着诸如咨询企业鱼龙混杂、缺乏高素质咨询人才的问题,作为咨询公司核心资源的培训师的选用方法和标准将是解决问题的关键,这就要涉及到项目人力资源管理范畴,近些年,企业培训在国内发展的非常迅速,其中,培训讲师的授课水平对于培训的效果影响是显而易见的,培训讲师的胜任能力决定了影响了这种培训的效果,讲师水平的参差不齐,可能使得培训机构和培训客户浪费大量的时间和金钱成本,却不能获得良好的绩效和培训效果。本研究旨在创建R公司汽车人才培训项目中的培训师胜任力模型,希望通过研究结果,为R公司汽车技术培训师的招聘、培训、绩效考核和薪酬激励方面提供一些参考依据。 本文结合了人力资源最新理论中的胜任力理论对R公司汽车技术人才培训项目中的培训师胜任力模型进行研究,运用文献研究、访谈研究、问卷研究三种方法,采用频次分析和SPSS统计分析两种工具,从而得出了R公司汽车技术人才培训项目中的培训师胜任力模型,并得出以下主要结论: (1)得出了R公司汽车技术人才培训项目中的培训师胜任力模型,并验证了它的多维度特征。 (2)在胜任力维度中,人际沟通能力、自我效能、安全意识、工作动机、创新对于任务绩效有显著的正向促进作用,,是任务绩效重要的预测变量。人际沟通能力、工作动机、创新、自我效能对于周边绩效有显著的正向促进作用,是周边绩效重要的预测变量。 (3)通过相关分析和回归分析研究我们可以发现,人际沟通能力在同任务绩效和周边绩效的标准回归方程β系数都是最大,这说明人际沟通能力是R公司汽车技术人才培训项目中的培训师所需具备的首要能力。 (4)在对问卷样本的分析过程中,本文还总结出了R公司汽车技术人才培训项目中的培训师的一些从业特征:男性占比较高;偏年轻化;较高学历;知名院校毕业。 文章提出的汽车技术人才培训项目中的培训师胜任力模型可以供其他汽车企业技术人才培训项目的管理者借鉴。
[Abstract]:The key to success is not only a complete project management process, but also the choice and training of trainers. However, the development of consulting industry in our country is faced with such problems as the mixed situation of consulting enterprises and the lack of high-quality consulting personnel. The selection methods and standards of trainers, which are the core resources of consulting companies, will be the key to solve the problems. This involves the scope of project human resources management. In recent years, enterprise training has developed very rapidly in China. Among them, the teaching level of trainers is obvious to the effect of training. The competence of the training instructor affects the effect of this kind of training. The uneven level of the instructor may waste a lot of time and money on the training institutions and training clients, but can not achieve good performance and training effect. The purpose of this study is to establish the model of the trainers' winning competence in R Company's auto talents training project, and hope to provide some references for the recruitment, training, performance appraisal and salary incentive of R Company's automobile technical trainers through the results of the research. Based on the competency theory in the latest theory of human resources, this paper studies the competency model of trainers in R Company's automobile technical talents training project, using three methods: literature research, interview research and questionnaire research. By means of frequency analysis and SPSS statistical analysis, the competency model of trainers in R Company's auto technical talents training project is obtained. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the model of trainers' winning competency in R Company's auto technical talents training project is obtained, and its multi-dimensional characteristics are verified. (2) in competency dimension, interpersonal communication ability, self-efficacy, safety consciousness, job motivation and innovation have significant positive effects on task performance, which are important predictors of task performance. Interpersonal communication ability, job motivation, innovation and self-efficacy have significant positive effects on peripheral performance and are important predictors of peripheral performance. (3) through correlation analysis and regression analysis, we can find that interpersonal communication ability is the largest factor of standard regression equation 尾 in the same task performance and peripheral performance. This indicates that interpersonal communication ability is the primary ability required by the trainers in R Company's auto technical personnel training program. (4) in the process of analyzing the questionnaire sample, this paper also summarizes some professional characteristics of trainers in R Company's automobile technical talents training project: male account for relatively high; younger; higher academic background; graduates from well-known colleges and universities. The model proposed in this paper can be used for reference by the managers of other automobile enterprises' technical talents training projects, which can be used for reference by the managers of other automobile enterprises' technical talents training projects.
[Abstract]:The key to success is not only a complete project management process, but also the choice and training of trainers. However, the development of consulting industry in our country is faced with such problems as the mixed situation of consulting enterprises and the lack of high-quality consulting personnel. The selection methods and standards of trainers, which are the core resources of consulting companies, will be the key to solve the problems. This involves the scope of project human resources management. In recent years, enterprise training has developed very rapidly in China. Among them, the teaching level of trainers is obvious to the effect of training. The competence of the training instructor affects the effect of this kind of training. The uneven level of the instructor may waste a lot of time and money on the training institutions and training clients, but can not achieve good performance and training effect. The purpose of this study is to establish the model of the trainers' winning competence in R Company's auto talents training project, and hope to provide some references for the recruitment, training, performance appraisal and salary incentive of R Company's automobile technical trainers through the results of the research. Based on the competency theory in the latest theory of human resources, this paper studies the competency model of trainers in R Company's automobile technical talents training project, using three methods: literature research, interview research and questionnaire research. By means of frequency analysis and SPSS statistical analysis, the competency model of trainers in R Company's auto technical talents training project is obtained. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the model of trainers' winning competency in R Company's auto technical talents training project is obtained, and its multi-dimensional characteristics are verified. (2) in competency dimension, interpersonal communication ability, self-efficacy, safety consciousness, job motivation and innovation have significant positive effects on task performance, which are important predictors of task performance. Interpersonal communication ability, job motivation, innovation and self-efficacy have significant positive effects on peripheral performance and are important predictors of peripheral performance. (3) through correlation analysis and regression analysis, we can find that interpersonal communication ability is the largest factor of standard regression equation 尾 in the same task performance and peripheral performance. This indicates that interpersonal communication ability is the primary ability required by the trainers in R Company's auto technical personnel training program. (4) in the process of analyzing the questionnaire sample, this paper also summarizes some professional characteristics of trainers in R Company's automobile technical talents training project: male account for relatively high; younger; higher academic background; graduates from well-known colleges and universities. The model proposed in this paper can be used for reference by the managers of other automobile enterprises' technical talents training projects, which can be used for reference by the managers of other automobile enterprises' technical talents training projects.
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