[Abstract]:The rail transit has the characteristics of large traffic volume, high speed, safety, alignment point, environmental protection, energy saving and land use. The world's countries are generally aware that the fundamental solution to the problem of urban traffic is to give priority to the development of urban public transport systems using rail traffic as the backbone. With the acceleration of the urbanization process in China, the economic construction of our country has also made great progress. In order to alleviate the traffic jam in the big cities of the country, many cities have successively constructed the urban rail transit. The construction safety risk management of the track project is serious, and it is necessary to provide a feasible and safe management mode for the construction of the track project through the theoretical innovation and the practice innovation. In this paper, based on the construction of the Beijing track project, combining the theory and practice, the combination of the literature research and the on-site investigation, the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, the combination of the experience summary and the statistical induction, the safety risk management mode of the railway construction based on the meshing is explored. The specific innovation points are summarized as follows: (1) The grid management theory is introduced into the field of safety management of track engineering construction. The theory of meshing management is a new management theory in management, and it is a typical closed-loop management mode based on the system theory, cybernetics and collaborative theory. By analyzing the three-dimensional structure of Hall, and using the safety management theory of Du Pont Company in the United States, and combining with the whole process management mode of Beijing rail transit project construction, this paper combines the theory of meshing management with the theory of safety management and the safety management of the track construction. The safety management level of the track construction can be improved, and a good safety management effect can be achieved. (2) The security management mode of the grid construction is constructed. Firstly, the target structured symbol representation method is described, and the risk control measures at all stages of the construction of the track construction of Beijing are described, the general goal of the safety management of the track construction is clarified, and a safety management target model based on the GSN method is established. At the same time, in combination with the theory of meshing safety management, the general model of the security management of the grid construction in Beijing is put forward, and the business unit level involved in the operation mechanism of the grid of the security management organization is respectively presented. The project management center level and the grid security management of the construction unit level are described in detail; the safety management process and the cooperative mechanism involved in the task grid are researched. Finally, the security management information system of the connection organization grid and the task grid is described in detail. (3) The method of identification and control of the source of the track construction is proposed. Firstly, the characteristics of the source of the source of the rail engineering construction and the principle and the basis of the identification of the hazard source are analyzed, then the level of the four-level hazard source is established through the qualitative analysis of the hazard source, and the model of the important degree of the hazard source is established through the quantitative analysis. Finally, a safety risk control method is proposed, which includes the minimum system simulation test platform and the independent third-party monitoring. (4) The railway engineering construction safety monitoring center facing the grid security management is proposed and constructed. Firstly, the theory of meshing safety management and the theory of large database of information system are combined; the construction of the information system of safety monitoring center of track construction is introduced. The construction safety risk monitoring sub-system and shield construction real-time management subsystem are introduced in detail. The construction site video monitoring subsystem, the safety quality hidden danger subsystem, the dynamic adjustment management, the trial operation fault statistic subsystem, the emergency video meeting subsystem, the basic support system and the safety monitoring and emergency command platform. (5) Engineering case. First of all, the characteristics and security status of Beijing track project construction are described, then the grid security management theory is applied to the six lines of Beijing Metro, and the application of the hazard source screening system in the actual project construction is also introduced.
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