发布时间:2021-02-16 00:15
课堂教学是语言习得,英语学习的主要渠道。在语言学习过程中,英语犯错不可避免。过去几十年的英语教学中都是以老师为中心的英语课堂形式。因此,探索学生对纠正反馈的偏好可能会对英语学习有一定的影响。越来越来的学者意识到纠正反馈的重要性,也对此做了大量的研究。大多数学生意识到纠错是有效的,希望被纠错。但是针对不同学生水平的纠错问题,从学生视角发现他们对纠错的偏好的研究少之又少。所以本篇论文选择了以英语专业在职研究生和以国际商务英语本科专业,总共91个学生为研究对象,鉴于年龄区间不同,教育程度不同,出生年代不同,心理和文化不同,个性不同,使用语言环境不同和语言应用目的不同分为群体1和群体2。本篇的研究方法主要是调查问卷,通过问卷星收集了 91份问卷,然后通过正反向问题剔除了 9份无效问卷,保留了 82有效问卷,紧接着通过SPSS自变因子教育和年龄不同的描述统计,独立T分析数据等定量和通过对问答题的30份定性分析来探寻学生在犯英语错误时希望谁(老师,同学和以英语为母语的本土会话者)来纠正他们的错误和他们在对错误类型,纠正反馈类型,接收纠正反馈的时间和场合的偏好。基于以上分析得出的结论如下:(1)对于...
【文章来源】:北京外国语大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1.Background of the Research
1.2.Research Objectives
1.3.Significance of the Research
1.4.Structure of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1.The Evolution of SLA
2.2.Current Studies of Preferences on Corrective feedback in Overseas
2.2.1 Errors and mistakes
2.2.2 Error Types
2.2.3 Corrective feedback
2.2.4 Different Types of Corrective feedback
2.2.5 The Effects on Different Types of Corrective feedback
2.2.6 Preferences on Corrective feedback
2.2.7 Preferred Persons to Correct Their Errors
2.2.8 Preferred Timings and Occasions of Receiving Corrective feedback
2.3.Current Studies of Preferences on Corrective feedback in China
2.4.Research Gap
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1.Research Questions
3.3.Research Design: Questionnaire
3.4.1 The Basic Information and Composition of Each Group
3.4.2 An Overview of Participants' Commonalities
3.5.Methods & Material
3.5.1 Source of Items Involved in the Questionnaire
3.5.2 The Materials of the Questionnaire
3.7.Data Collections
3.7.1 The Full Picture of Questionnaire
3.7.2 The Validations on the Reliability and Validity of Questionnaire
Chapter 4 Results
4.1.1 Their Preferences on Feedback versus no Feedback
4.1.2 Their Preferences on Teachers and Native speakers over Peers
4.1.3 Their Preferred Vocabulary Errors and Pronunciation Errors to be corrected in the FirstPlace
4.1.4 Group 1's Preference on Repetition and Meta-linguistic Clue versus Group 2'sPreference on Explicit Correction
4.1.5 Group 1's Preference on Delayed Feedbacks on Another Occasions versus Group 2'sPreference on Immediate Feedbacks on Site
4.1.6 The Confirmed Positive Effects on Continual Feedbacks
4.1.7 Traits of "Good Learners" and Some Re-confirmed Results on Feedbacks
Chapter 5 Discussions
5.1 Discussions on Results of Students' Preferences
5.2 Discussions Related on the Reasons behind Their Preferences
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Implications
6.1 Conclusions of the Research
6.2 Pedagogical Implications on Future Language Teaching
6.3 Limitations of the Research
Appendix A: Questionnaire Participation Consent
Appendix B: My Questionnaire
Appendix C: 30 Valid Answers about one Open Question
Appendix D: The correlations between research questions and items of questionnaire
Appendix E: The material sources of items in the questionnaire
【文章来源】:北京外国语大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1.Background of the Research
1.2.Research Objectives
1.3.Significance of the Research
1.4.Structure of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1.The Evolution of SLA
2.2.Current Studies of Preferences on Corrective feedback in Overseas
2.2.1 Errors and mistakes
2.2.2 Error Types
2.2.3 Corrective feedback
2.2.4 Different Types of Corrective feedback
2.2.5 The Effects on Different Types of Corrective feedback
2.2.6 Preferences on Corrective feedback
2.2.7 Preferred Persons to Correct Their Errors
2.2.8 Preferred Timings and Occasions of Receiving Corrective feedback
2.3.Current Studies of Preferences on Corrective feedback in China
2.4.Research Gap
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1.Research Questions
3.3.Research Design: Questionnaire
3.4.1 The Basic Information and Composition of Each Group
3.4.2 An Overview of Participants' Commonalities
3.5.Methods & Material
3.5.1 Source of Items Involved in the Questionnaire
3.5.2 The Materials of the Questionnaire
3.7.Data Collections
3.7.1 The Full Picture of Questionnaire
3.7.2 The Validations on the Reliability and Validity of Questionnaire
Chapter 4 Results
4.1.1 Their Preferences on Feedback versus no Feedback
4.1.2 Their Preferences on Teachers and Native speakers over Peers
4.1.3 Their Preferred Vocabulary Errors and Pronunciation Errors to be corrected in the FirstPlace
4.1.4 Group 1's Preference on Repetition and Meta-linguistic Clue versus Group 2'sPreference on Explicit Correction
4.1.5 Group 1's Preference on Delayed Feedbacks on Another Occasions versus Group 2'sPreference on Immediate Feedbacks on Site
4.1.6 The Confirmed Positive Effects on Continual Feedbacks
4.1.7 Traits of "Good Learners" and Some Re-confirmed Results on Feedbacks
Chapter 5 Discussions
5.1 Discussions on Results of Students' Preferences
5.2 Discussions Related on the Reasons behind Their Preferences
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Implications
6.1 Conclusions of the Research
6.2 Pedagogical Implications on Future Language Teaching
6.3 Limitations of the Research
Appendix A: Questionnaire Participation Consent
Appendix B: My Questionnaire
Appendix C: 30 Valid Answers about one Open Question
Appendix D: The correlations between research questions and items of questionnaire
Appendix E: The material sources of items in the questionnaire