R&D team informal networks shared mental model team creativi
The Effects of Informal Networks on R&D Team Creativity: Take Shared Mental Models as Mediating Variable
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HUANG Tongfei, PENG Can (School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China)
Abstr:Few scholars at home or abroad explored the relationship between informal networks and team creativi- ty, and did not give enough attention to external informal network. Based on 181 R&D teams' data, this paper at- tempts to provide and verify a relational model of how informal networks (internal and external) influence R&D team creativity. The research shows that the relation between team internal or external informal networks and team creativity is inverted U shape function; team internal informal networks have a positive effect to two kinds of shared mental model (task-based and cooperative), and team external informal networks have a positive effect to cooperative shared mental model; with the mediate function by two kinds of share metal model, intemal one can influence team creativity, and with the mediate function by cooperative shared mental model, external one can influence team creativity.
Keyword::R&D team informal networks shared mental model team creativity