发布时间:2018-02-01 07:21
本文关键词: 小说评点 中国古代文学理论海外传播 中日古代文化交流 曲亭马琴 水浒后传 出处:《古籍整理研究学刊》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Novel criticism is an important form in the ancient Chinese novel theory, which was accepted by some Japanese scholars and novel theorists after it was introduced to Japan. And the initial comment object is the Chinese novel. Japanese scholars' comment on the Chinese novel has its own uniqueness. However, there are also some shortcomings. Through the analysis of a representative work, "Quting Maqin comments on the Preface of the Ming Banshui margin", this paper points out that the comment book has the following characteristics: reinterpretation and revision. Light art review; There are misreading misunderstandings caused by the differences between Chinese and Japanese languages and cultures; Due to the lack of channels of information dissemination between China and Japan at that time, there were cognitive errors, and these were also the common conditions of the Japanese novel reviews at that time.
【作者单位】: 中共长春市委党校哲学与文化教研部;
【正文快照】: 中国古代没有系统的小说理论著述,关于小说的讨论散在于各类文章、批语、序跋、书信中,而评点代表着中国古代小说理论的最高水准。中国的小说评点始于宋末刘辰翁对《世说新语》的“眉批”,但大都十分简短,三言两语,点到为止,且多半是发发感慨而已,如果说其中有些艺术评论含量
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