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发布时间:2018-10-19 10:58
[Abstract]:Lu Xun's essay creation ran through his literary career, and originated from the dream of "new life" of the Chinese nation. The May 4th New Cultural Enlightenment was the direct driving force for Lu Xun to move towards essay consciousness. Lu Xun was deeply influenced by the cultural atmosphere of eastern Zhejiang from an early age, and later directly accepted the instruction of Zhang Taiyan. There is a contradiction between the attitude of essay writing and the idea of style: the traditional circulation of practical use and the call of new cultural upsurge make it unable to write "Shi Wen" by itself, but it still believes in historiography and elementary school learning in the concept of style. The urgent needs of the times and the persistent character of bias make Lu Xun stick to the creation of essays. From the early miscellaneous feeling, the short comment gradually unified into "the essay", the style naming not only depended on the ancient Chinese literature tradition, but also related to the social contradiction more complicated and sharp, but also had the leisure and the concept generalization tendency. Lu Xun not only attaches importance to the social function of essays, but also recognizes their aesthetic functions. He also takes essays as art to create. The development of Chinese literature has realized the expectation of Lu Xun, and the literary works have entered the palace of literature.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学人文学院;


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